ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



高洁, 隋建峰, 朱志茹, 陈鹏慧, 伍亚民

第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所三室,创伤、烧伤与复合伤国家重点实验室.重庆 400042;第三军医大学生理教研室.重庆 400038;第三军医大学神经生物学教研室.重庆 400038


实验采用细胞外玻璃微电极采集豚鼠海马神经元放电信号,并将信号转化为峰峰间期(interspike interval,ISI)以研究麻醉和清醒状态海马锥体细胞自发放电线性和非线性特点。实验建立了豚鼠海马锥体细胞与中间神经元电生理鉴别标准;麻醉和清醒状态下豚鼠海马CAl和CA3区锥体细胞自发放电频率、时程、复杂度等无显著区别;麻醉组豚鼠海马锥体细胞ISI序列的复杂度小于清醒组,锥体细胞分型和ISI变异度等表现不同。实验表明,麻醉和清醒状态下豚鼠海马锥体细胞自发放电呈不同线性和非线性特征。传统和非线性研究手段的结合,可能较全面地反映海马锥体细胞自发放电特性。

关键词: 海马; 锥体细胞; 复杂度; 变异度

Spontaneous discharges of pyramidal cells in the dorsal hippocampus of guinea pig

Gao Jie, Sui Jianfeng, Zhu Zhiru, Chen Penghui, Wu Yamin

State Key Laboratory of Trauma,Burns and Combined Injury,Department 3,Institute of Surgery Research,Daping Hospital,Third Military Medical University.Chongqing 400042;China;Department of Neurobiology,Third Military Medical University.Chongqing 400038


To determine the characteristics of spontaneous discharges of hippocampal pyramidal cells (PCs), extracellular neuronal firing in CA1 and CA3 regions of dorsal hippocampus was recorded, the firing modes and interspike interval (ISI) were analyzed with the conventional and nonlinear methods. PCs were discriminated from interneurons using the measurement of action-potential duration and firing rate in this study. There was no significant difference in duration, mean firing frequency, complexity and firing mode between the neurons in CA1 and CA3 regions both in anesthetized and awake animals. The complexity of neurons was higher in awake group than that in anesthetized group, though no difference was found in firing rate. There were differences in the type of pyramidal cells and the coefficient of variance of ISI of neurons. The results obtained from the spontaneous discharges of dorsal hippocampal pyramidal cells reveal some nonlinear and linear aspects in anesthetized and awake states. It seems likely that the combination of conventional and non-linear measurements of the hippocampal pyramidal cells encoding may reflect genuine characteristics of the hippocampal pyramidal cells.

Key words: Hippocampus;pyramidal cell;complexity;coefficient of variance

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高洁, 隋建峰, 朱志茹, 陈鹏慧, 伍亚民. 豚鼠背侧海马锥体细胞自发放电特征[J]. 生理学报 2005; 57 (2): .

Gao Jie, Sui Jianfeng, Zhu Zhiru, Chen Penghui, Wu Yamin. Spontaneous discharges of pyramidal cells in the dorsal hippocampus of guinea pig. Acta Physiol Sin 2005; 57 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).