ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



吉恩生, 张丽华, 王义和, 岳华, 何瑞荣



在72只麻醉大鼠,分别采用后肢、肾脏和肠系膜动脉在体恒流灌注法,观察了向灌流环路中直接注射植物雌激素三轻异黄酮(geniatein, C-rST)的血管效应,以所引起的灌流压增减反映血管的收缩和舒张。结果如下:(Z)不同剂量的GST (0. 4 0.8 J-2 mg/ kg)注射于股部灌注环路时,剂量依赖性地降低股动脉的灌流压。GST的这一效应可被L-硝基精氨酸甲Pa ( L- NAME)部分阻断,预先注射蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶抑制剂正钒酸钠(50 ug/ kg),可部分抑制GST(0. 8 mg/ kg)引起的效应;(2)向肾血管灌注环路中直接注射GST也可剂量依赖性地降低肾动脉的灌流压,预先注射正钒酸钠可完全抑制GST引起的效应,而L- NAME对此效应没有影响;(3)肠系膜血管灌流环路中注射GST可剂量依赖性地降低其灌流压,这一效应可被正钒酸钠部分抑制,而L- NAME对此无影响。根据上述结果得出的结论是:GS T

关键词: 三轻异黄酮; 灌流压; 血管床; L-硝基精氨酸甲#alpha#; 正钒酸钠

Responses of regional vascular beds to local injection of genistein in rats

JI Een Sheng, ZHANG Li- Hua, WANG Yi- He, Yue Hua, HE Rui- Rong

Department of Physiology,Institute of Basic Medicine,Hebei Medical University,Shijiazhuang 050017,China


The effects of local injection of genistein on femoral,re nal,and mesenteric vascular beds were investigated respectively by constant flow perfusion method in 72 anaesthetized rats .The results are as follows:(1)ge nistein(0.4,0. 8,1 .2 mg/ kg) decreased the perfusion pressure(PP) of femoral vascular bed in a dose-dependent manner.The effect of genistein(0. 8 mg/ kg) way partially inhibited by L- NAME,or by sodium orthovanadate(50 ug/ kg),a potent inhibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatase;(2)genistein also decreased the PP of renal vascular bed in a dose-dependent manner and the effect of genistein was completely inhibite(by pretreatment with sodium orthovanadate,but unaffected by L- NAME;and(3) genistein decreased the PP of mesenteric vascula bed in a dose-dependent manner,an effect which was partially inhibited by sodium orthovanadate,but unaffected by L- NAME .Fron
the results obtained,it is concluded that genistein can decrease the vascular tone in the femoral,re nal,and mesenteric vascular bed,with the underlying mechanism that involves tyrosine kinase inhibition,while in femoral arterial beds,it also involves NO release.

Key words: ge niste in;Perfusion pressure;Vascular bed;L- NAME;sodium orthovanadate

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吉恩生, 张丽华, 王义和, 岳华, 何瑞荣. 区域性血管床对局部注射植物雌激素三经异黄酮的反应[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (3): .

JI Een Sheng, ZHANG Li- Hua, WANG Yi- He, Yue Hua, HE Rui- Rong. Responses of regional vascular beds to local injection of genistein in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).