ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



康冶, 闰剑群, 黄涛



应用细胞外记录的电生理学方法,在乌拉坦麻醉的大鼠观察了电损毁双侧杏仁中央核前后脑桥臂旁核味觉神经元对四种基本味觉刺激(即氯化钠、盐酸、奎宁和蔗糖)反应的变化。根据对味觉刺激的优势反应,29个记录的味觉神经元中,有14个Na。优势.9个H。优势3个QH2 S OQ优势和3个蔗糖优势反应神经元。损毁杏仁中央核明显增强臂旁核味觉神经元对盐酸和硫酸奎宁的反应(P<0.01)。氯化钠优势、盐酸优势和奎宁优势反应神经元对盐酸和硫酸奎宁的反应在电损毁杏仁中央核后也明显增强。在破坏杏仁中央核后,臂旁核味觉神经元对氯化钠和硫酸奎宁苦味的分辨能力降低。以上结果提示,杏仁中央核在大鼠脑桥水平的味觉编码中发挥重要作用,它可能是通过参与对味觉的影响来调节机体的摄食行为。

关键词: 臂旁核; 味觉神经元; 杏仁中央核; 电损毁; 大鼠

Effects of the central amygdaloid nucleus lesions on the gustatory responses in the parabrachial nucleus in rats

KANG YAN, Yan hai Qun, Huang Tao

Department of Physiology,Xi'an jiaotong University Medical of School,Xi'an 710061,China


To access the role of the central nucleus of the amygdala(CeA) in the gustatory activity in the pontine parabrachial nucle us(PBN),the responses to four prototypical taste stimuli(NaCl,HCl,QH, Sq and sucrose) in the PBN were observed before and after bilateral electrolytic lesion of the CeA in the urethane-anesthetized rat.Cf 29 neurons,14 were classified as NaCl-best,9 as
HCl- best,3 as QH2S04 best and 3 sucrose-best.After Cc A lesions,the response rates to HC1 and QH2Sqwere statistically higher across all PBN neurons(P(0.01).According to the best-stimulus category,the effects on the responses to HCl and QH2Sq we resimilarly subjected to these modulations in NaCl-best,HCl- best and QH2S04 best neurons.Correlation analysis indicated that the
CeA lesion depressed the effect on the chemical selection between NaCl and QH2Sq .These findings suggest that the CeA plays an important role in the taste coding at the pontine level and it may be involved in mediating the feeding behavior via modulating the gustatory responses.

Key words: parabrachial nucleus;gustatory neurons;central amygdaloid nucleus;electrolytic lesion;rat

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康冶, 闰剑群, 黄涛. 电损毁大鼠杏仁中央核对脑桥臂旁核味觉神经元的影响[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (3): .

KANG YAN, Yan hai Qun, Huang Tao. Effects of the central amygdaloid nucleus lesions on the gustatory responses in the parabrachial nucleus in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).