ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王文挺, 韩丹, 邹祖玉, 曾俊



旨在探讨单侧海马(hippocampus , HPC)内神经网络与HPC癫痈发生的关系及其细胞机制。实验在45只Sprague- Dawley大鼠上完成。急性强直电刺激大鼠右侧后背HPC CAI基树突区(acute tetanization of the posterior dorsalhippocampus , ATPDH ; 60 Hz , 2 s , 0. 4一。. 6 m A)诱发HPC癫痈模型,同步记录同侧前背HPC CAI顶树突区单位放电
和基树突区深部电图。结果,ATPDH可以沿长轴向前1.8 mm处对前背HPC神经网络产生下述效应:(1)同步或非同步原发性单位与深部电图后放电,在同步性后放电锁时(ti me-1 ock)关系明显。非同步性后放电的深部电图癫痈样电活动具有宽频带特征(5一90 Hz) ; (2)原发性单位后放一后抑制效应可以引发低频原发性电图后放电,长时程爆发式
单位放电可以诱发高频原发性电图后放电;(3)短束原发性电图后放电也可以诱发原发性单位后放电;(4)原发性电图后放电和神经元单位放电的抑制效应具有明显可塑性特征。以上结果提示,重复施加ATP DH可以引起前背HPC癫痈相关性病理生理性神经网络的重建;而单个神经元与神经网络的异常电活动之间具有明显的互动作用和突触传递可塑性特征;沿HPC长轴内在抑制性通路的过度活动也可以诱发电图癫痈样电活动,导致HPC网络癫痈的发生。

关键词: 深部电图; 单位放电; 神经网络; 强直电刺激; 海马; 癫痈 中图分类号:Q424; 8742.1

Epileptiform activity of the anterior dorsal hippocampal netmrk induced by acute tetanization of the right posterior dorsal hippocampus of the rat

WANG Weir Ting, Han Dan, ZOU ZU Yu, ZENG June

Department of Physiology Pathology and Pathophysiology, Medical College, Wuhan Univetsity, Wuhan 430071


The purpose of the present work was to stu勿the role of unilateral hippocampal neural network in hippocampal epileptogenesis and its cellular mechanisms. Experiments were performed on 45 Sprague- Dawley adult rats .Acute tetanization(60 Hz,2s,0.4一0. 6 mA) of the right posterior dorsal hippocampus(ATPDH) was used to induce hippocampal epilepsy .The single unit discharges and the depth electrographs were synchronously recorded with a glass microelectrode and a pair of stainless concentric electrodes in the psilateral anterior dorsal hippoca mpus(HPC).The results demonstrated that:(1)some primary unit after discharges were synchronized with electrographic after discharges in the anterior dorsal HPC network after eight or nine tetanic trains were administered.Others desynchronized with 5一90 Hz primary depth electrographic after discharges;(2) primary electrographic after discharges were driven by primary unit after discharges in the anterior dorsal HPC;(3) pri
mary unit after discharges were induced by brief primary electrographic after discharges;and(4) plasticity of primary electrographic after discharges and inhibition of single neuron firing were induced by repetitive ATPDH .The
results suggest that hippocampal pathophysiologic network along the temporal-septal axis of the HPC is re-estab lished by the repetitive ATPDH .There are plastic interactions between single neurons and its network during this re- establishment,which may be involved in the generation of“seizure oscillation".Over activation of an intrinsic inhibition of the HPC along its temporal-septal axis might be involved in hippocampal network epileptogenesis.

Key words: electroencephalography;single unit discharges;neural networks;tetanus;Hippocampus;;

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王文挺, 韩丹, 邹祖玉, 曾俊. 电刺激大鼠右后背海马诱导前背海马神经网络癫痈样电活动[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (3): .

WANG Weir Ting, Han Dan, ZOU ZU Yu, ZENG June. Epileptiform activity of the anterior dorsal hippocampal netmrk induced by acute tetanization of the right posterior dorsal hippocampus of the rat. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).