ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


一氧化氮合酶抑制剂L- NAME对大鼠脑缺血耐受诱导的影响

刘惠卿, 李文斌, 冯荣芳, 李清君, 陈晓玲, 周爱民, 赵红岗, 艾洁



采用大鼠四血管闭塞全脑缺血耐受模型和脑组织切片形态学方法,观察应用一氧化氮合酶( NOS)抑制 剂L- NAME对大鼠海马CAI区脑缺血耐受(BIT)诱导的影响,在整体水平探讨一氧化氮( NO)在BIT诱导中的作用。54只Wista:大鼠凝闭双侧椎动脉后分为6组:(1)假手术组(。一6):分离双侧颈总动脉,但不阻断脑血流;(2)损伤性缺血组(。一6):全脑缺血10 min; (3)预缺血+损伤性缺血组(。一6):脑缺血预处理( CIP) 3 min,再灌注72 h
行全脑缺血10 min; (4) L- NAME组:分别于CIP前1 h和后1 .12及36 h腹腔注射L- NAME (5 mg/ kg),每个时间点6只动物,其余步骤同预缺血+损伤性缺血组;(5) L-NAME+ L一精氨酸组(。一6):于CIP前1 h腹腔注射L-NAME (5 mg/ kg)和L一精氨酸(300 mg/ kg),其它步骤同L- NAME组;(6) L- NAME+损伤性缺血组(n一6):于腹腔注射L- NAME (5 mg/ kg) 72 h后行全脑缺血10 min。实验结果表明,(1)单纯10 min全脑缺血可使海马CAI区组织学分级增加(表明损伤加重),神经元密度降低(P<0.01);(2)预缺血+损伤性缺血组的海马CAI区组织学分级、神经元密度与假手术组相比,无显著性差别(P > 0. 05) ; (3) L- NAME组中,应用L- NAME后海马CAI区组织学分级增加,神经元密度降低,与预缺血+损伤性缺血组相比有显著性差异(P < 0. 05),表明L- NAME可阻断CIP对神经元的保护作用;(4) L-NAME+ L一精氨酸组与L- NAME组相比,海马CAI区组织损伤明显减轻(P<0.05),但与预缺血+损伤性缺血组相比仍有显著性差别(P<0.05),提示L一精氨酸可部分逆转L- NAME的作用;(5) L-
NAME+损伤性缺血组的组织学表现与损伤性缺血组相同(P > 0. 05)。这些结果表明,在整体情况下NO参与BIT的诱导。与CIP前1 h及后1 .12 h给予L- NAME组相比,CI P后36 h给予L- NAME对CI P保护作用的阻断效应明显减弱,提示NO在CI P后较早阶段即开始参与BIT的诱导。

关键词: 神经生物学; 脑缺血预处理; 一氧化氮; L-硝基一精氨酸甲酯; 海马; 大鼠

Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L- NAME on the induction of brain ischemic tolerance in rats

LIU Hui- Qing, LI Wen Bin, FENG Rong Fang, LI Qing Jun, CHEN Xiao-Ling, ZHOU Ai- Min, ZHAO Hong Gang, Ai Jie

Department of Pathophysiology,Institute of Basic Medicine,Hebei Medical University,Shi jiazhuang050017


To explore the role of NO in the induction of brain ische mic tolerance(BIT) in vivo,the effect of nitric oxide synthase(NOS) inhibitor L- NAME on the induction of BIT induced by cerebral ische mic preconditioning(CI P) was investigated in the hippocampal CAI subfield in CI P and ischemic insult models established rat four vessel occlusion using brain tissue section and thionine staining methods·Fifty-four male Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups:(1)sham-operated group(n一6):bilateral common arteries were separated without oceluding the cerebral blood flow;(2) ische mia group(n一6):an ische mic insult for 10 min was given;(3) CI P+ische mia group(n一6):3- min CIP was preformed 72 h prior to 10- min ische mic insult;(4) L- NAME groul (total n= 24,n = 6 for each suroup):L- NAME(5 mg/ kg,i. p.)was administered 1 h prior to CIP and 1 12 and 36 h after CI P,respectively .Other procedures were the same as those for the CIP+ische mia group;(5)L- NAME+L- Arg group(n=6):L- NAME(5 mg/ kg,i. p.)and L- Arg(300 mg/ kg,i. p.)were administered 1 h prior to CIP,other procedures were the same as those for the L- NAME group;(6) L- NAME+is the mia group(n一6):L- NAME(5 mg/ kg,i. p.)was administered 72 h before the 10- min ischemic insult.

Key words: neurobiology;ische mic preconditioning;Nitric oxide;L- NAME;Hippoca mpus;rats

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刘惠卿, 李文斌, 冯荣芳, 李清君, 陈晓玲, 周爱民, 赵红岗, 艾洁. 一氧化氮合酶抑制剂L- NAME对大鼠脑缺血耐受诱导的影响[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (2): .

LIU Hui- Qing, LI Wen Bin, FENG Rong Fang, LI Qing Jun, CHEN Xiao-Ling, ZHOU Ai- Min, ZHAO Hong Gang, Ai Jie. Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L- NAME on the induction of brain ischemic tolerance in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).