ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



田晶, 陶凌, 曹云新, 董玲, 胡玉珍, 杨安钢, 周士胜



为了观察氯通道阻断剂尼氟灭酸(NF A)对人肝癌细胞(human hepatoma cell line , HHCC)增殖的影响,我们将NFA作用于HHCC,应用细胞计数法及嘎哩兰(MTT)比色分析法观察细胞增殖情况;用流式细胞仪检测细胞周期时相;并用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜检测[Caz+];的变化。结果发现,NFA使HHCC细胞数及MTT光吸收值(OD)较对照组都显著降低,去除NFA后,OD值逐渐恢复。经100 umol/ L NFA处理48 h的HHCC细胞G,期细胞比例比对照组明显增高,S期及q期细胞比例明显低于对照组。细胞外应用NFA (100 umol/ L)使「Ca z~(2+)];快速降低,去除NFA后,[ Ca ~(2+)];可恢复。这些结果表明,尼氟灭酸能抑制细胞增殖,其机制可能与细胞内信号转导Ca t+/Ca M途径被抑制有关。

关键词: 肝癌; 增殖; 氯通道;

Effects of niflumic acid on the proliferation of human hepatoma cells

TI AN Jing, TAO Ling, CAO Yuir Xin, DONG Ling, HU YirZhen, YANG An Gang, Zhou Shisheng

Department of Physiology,lmmunology, and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032


The purpose of this work was to investigate the effects of niflumic acid(NF A),a chloride channel Mocker,on the proliferation of human hepatoma cell line(H H CC).Cell proliferation was analyzed by cell count and MTT assay .Cell cycle analysis was carried out by flow cytometry.[Ca~(2+)],was determined by laser scanning confocal system.It was found that NFA decreased significantly the cell number and the MTT optical density(OD) of HHCC cells,and that the OD value was reversed after washout of NFA.Compared with control,NFA blocked cell cycle progression in G, phase.Extracellular application of NFA(100 p mol/ L) induced a rapid decrease in[Ca~(2+)],.These findings demonstrate that
blockage of chloride channels by NFA induces growth arrest of H HCC in G, phase,which may be due to the inhibition of Ca~(2+)/Ca 1VF dependent signaling pathways.

Key words: hepatoma;Proliferation;chloride channel;Ca~(2+)

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田晶, 陶凌, 曹云新, 董玲, 胡玉珍, 杨安钢, 周士胜. 尼氟灭酸对肝癌细胞增殖的影响[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (2): .

TI AN Jing, TAO Ling, CAO Yuir Xin, DONG Ling, HU YirZhen, YANG An Gang, Zhou Shisheng. Effects of niflumic acid on the proliferation of human hepatoma cells. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).