ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



杨莉, 封茂滋, 周绍慈

华东师范大学脑功能研究室. 上海200062


实验在40只三碘季铵酚麻痹的家兔上进行。使用记录诱发电位以及单个神经元放电的方法,观察了刺激杏仁复合体对Woolsey AⅠ AⅡ以及嗅鼻沟后缘听区皮层声反应的影响。实验结果表明,刺激杏仁外侧核和基底核可以对皮层的声反应产生易化或抑制性影响。这种影响的潜伏期一般为10-25ms,时程为20-115ms,在1例动物上也观察到了2ms的最短潜伏期。这些结果表明杏仁核群对于听区皮层的抑制影响主要是经过多突触环路传递的,但也有可能经由单突触途径实现兴奋性影响。该文对杏仁复合体影响的意义作了讨论。

关键词: 杏仁核; 抑制效应; 易化效应; 声反应; 皮层听觉中枢

A study on the effect of stimulation of amygdaloid comples on the electrical response of audifory cortex of rabbits

Yang Li, Feng Maozi, Zhou Suaoci

Brain Function Research Lalxratory, East China Normal University. Shanghai 200062, China


Experiments were performed on 40 adult rabbits immobilized with Flaxedil. The
effect of stimulation of amygdaloid complex on the click evoked potential of Woolsey's AI,AII and the auditory cortex behind the rhinal sulcus(ACBRS) was examined by single unit analysis. The results showed that stimulation of lateral nucleus and basal nucleus of amygdala could induce either a facilitory or an inhibitory effect on the evoked potential and the unit doscharges. The latency of the inhibitory effect was about 10-25ms,and lasted for 20-115ms. A facilitory effect with a latency as short as 2ms was also observed in one animal. The experimental results indicate that the effect of amygdaloid complex stimulation as transmitted through polysynaptic circuite while the facilitatory effect was monosynaptie. The functional significance of the amygdaloid ef feet was discussed.

Key words: Amygdala;Inhibitory effect;Facilitory effect;Auditory response;Cortical anditory cen ter

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杨莉, 封茂滋, 周绍慈. 刺激家兔杏仁复合体对听皮层声反应影响的研究[J]. 生理学报 1993; 45 (1): .

Yang Li, Feng Maozi, Zhou Suaoci. A study on the effect of stimulation of amygdaloid comples on the electrical response of audifory cortex of rabbits. Acta Physiol Sin 1993; 45 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).