ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



何淑舫, 王利华

中国科学院上海生理研究所. 上海 200031


该文采用离体培养的大鼠颈动脉体主细胞(glomus cell)的细胞群体和单细胞的标本,观察了不同程度的低氧对细胞膜电位(MP)和输入阻抗(Ri)的影响。在常氧[20%O_(2),5&CO_(2),75%N_(2)]条件下培养的细胞(常氧细胞)暴露在常氧中测得的MP和Ri值为对照值。当常氧细胞暴露在低氧[10%O_(2),5%CO_(2),85%N_(2)]时,MP幅度有的增加(超极化),有的减少(去极化),MP值增加和减少的细胞数各占细胞总数的百分比大体相同,当暴露在100%N_(2)中时,MP增加的细胞百分数明显高于MP减少的细胞百分数。

关键词: 颈动脉体; Glomus细胞; 细胞培养; 膜电位; 低氧

Effect of hyproxia on membrane potential and input resistance of cultured carotid body glomus cells of rat

He Shefang, Wang Lihua

Shanghai Brain Besearch Institute, Chinese Acadmey of Science. Shanghai 200031, China;Shanghai Institute of Physioloyg, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai 200031, China


Carotid bodies were removed from rats (50-100g) under sodium pentobarbitone
anesthesia and dissociated by mechanical means to obtain small clusters and single glomus cells to be cultured under normoxic[5%CO_(2),20%O_(2),75%N_(2), 37℃) or by poxic[5%CO_(2),10%O_(2),85%N_(2),37℃)conditions for 3-5 days. They are respec tively called normoxic or hypoxic cells.The membrane potential (MP)and input resistance (Ri)of the normoxic cells were measured under normoxic condition as controls. The results show that MP of the normoxic cells measured under hypoxic condition increased in about half the cells and dicreased in an other half.The percentage of cells with increased MP was higher under 100%N_(2) than under hypoxia. The MP and Ri of the hypoxic cells measured under nor moxia were not significantly different from the control values,but the MP and Ri of the hypoxic cells measured under hypoxia were significantly higher than those of the control (MP:P<0.01,Ri:P<0.05). The results suggest that oxygen sensing of the carntid body is raflected by changes in MP and Pi of the glomus cells.

Key words: Carotid body;Glomus cell;Culture;membrane potential;Hypoxia

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何淑舫, 王利华. 低氧对大鼠颈动脉体培养细胞膜电位及输入阻抗的影响[J]. 生理学报 1993; 45 (1): .

He Shefang, Wang Lihua. Effect of hyproxia on membrane potential and input resistance of cultured carotid body glomus cells of rat. Acta Physiol Sin 1993; 45 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).