ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



聂琳, 刘磊

山东医科大学生理教研室. 山东, 济南 250012



关键词: 杏仁中央核; 吗啡; 纳洛酮; 膈神经

The Responses of phrenic diecharges to microinjection of morphine and naloxone into central nucleus amygdala of rabbits

Nie Lin, Lui Lei

Department of Physiology, Shanglong Medical University. Jinan 250012, China


Experiments were done on 24 urethan anesthetized (20%, 1g/kg),vagatomized and spontaneously breathing rabbits (2-3 kg).The effects on phrenic activity by microinjection of morphine and naloxone into central nucleus amygdala (ACE) were observed. The main results were as follows:(I)Injection of morphine resulted in two res piratory effects,firstly a marked increase in inspiratory time[T_(1)]and amplitude of phrenic activity (AMP) with little changes of respiratory frequency (RF),and second ly a singificant decrease in AMP with little changes in T_(1), (2) Injection of naloxone resulted in increases in RF,AMP and decreases in T_(1) with no marked changes in blood pressure.(3) Prolongation of inspiratory time by morphine can be blocked by previous injection of naloxone.The results suggested that endogenous morphine in ACE have different effects on respiration mediated by different receptor.

Key words: Central nucleus amygdala;Morphine;Naloxone;Phrenic activity

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聂琳, 刘磊. 兔杏仁中央核中心区微量注射吗啡,纳洛酮对膈神经放电的影响[J]. 生理学报 1993; 45 (1): .

Nie Lin, Lui Lei. The Responses of phrenic diecharges to microinjection of morphine and naloxone into central nucleus amygdala of rabbits. Acta Physiol Sin 1993; 45 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).