ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



曹东元, 牛汉璋, 唐向东, 李强



在距脊髓约15 mm处切断大鼠L5背根,将中枢端分成4一5条细束,电刺激排肠神经在背根细束上记录背根反射(dorsal root reflex , DR助。共记录到DRR 51例,根据引起DRR所兴奋的排肠神经纤维类别和DRR在背根逆向传出的纤维类别将DRR分为5类:A_(#alpha##beta#DRRA_(#beta#)DRR.DRR. Aasb&C'DRR和CL ODRR。结果证明,电刺激外周神经激活各类纤维不但能引起A类(包括人)纤维的DRR,而且也能引起C类纤维的DRR。记录的心DRR和C'DRR为细纤维传入终末产生突触前抑制提供了客观指标,为DRR逆向传出冲动到达外周组织,释放神经肽类递质,调节外周效应器的功能提供了证据。

关键词: 神经生物学; 背根反射; 电生理; 初级传入去极化; 背根电位; 突触前抑制; C纤维

Dorsal root reflex from A and C afferent fibers induced by electrical stimulation of the sural nerve in rats

CAO Dongr Yuan, NI U Hair Zhang, TANG Xiangr Dong, Li Qiang

Department of Physiology, Medical School of Xian Jiaotong University , Xian710061


The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the small fiberevoked dorsal root reflex(DRR) can be obtained by electrical stimulation of the peripheral nerve in rats.Fifty- one DRRs were recorded from different kinds of fiber filaments in the proximal ends of the cut LS dorsal root following
electrical stimulation of the sural nerve.According to the kind of afferent fibers in the sural nerve associated with the DRRs from dorsal root,these DRRs were divided into five different types:Aa}, fiberevoked Aa; DRR(Aa}- Aa;D R R), AgD R R, eDRR,Aa eDRR and C eDRR The results obtained show that the DRR can be obtained from either A-fibers(including As fibers) or C fibers of dorsal root filaments by stimulation of the sural nerve.It is therefore suggested that either A}DRR or eDRR can be used as a validity index of presynaptic inhibition of the thin primary afferent terminals for investigation of the modulation mechanisms of peripheral effectors.

Key words: neurobiology;dorsal root reflex;elect rophysiology;primary afferent depolarization;dorsalroot potential;presynaptic inhibition;C fiber

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曹东元, 牛汉璋, 唐向东, 李强. 电刺激大鼠flir肠神经引起A_(#delta#),C类传入神经纤维的背根反射[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (1): .

CAO Dongr Yuan, NI U Hair Zhang, TANG Xiangr Dong, Li Qiang. Dorsal root reflex from A and C afferent fibers induced by electrical stimulation of the sural nerve in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).