ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



崔艺峰, 李林, 禹永春, 金正元, 李在琉, 许文燮



利用全细胞膜片钳技术在急性分离的胃窦平滑肌细胞上记录离子电流的方法,探讨外源性不饱和脂肪酸是否参与低渗牵张加强毒覃碱电流的过程。在豚鼠胃窦平滑肌细胞上膜电位被钳制在一20. 0 m V等渗状态时,50 umol/ L卡巴胆碱(carbachol , CCh)引起的毒覃碱电流(1 ccb)作为对照,发现低渗牵张可以使1 ccb明显增加到对照的226.。士21.0。当用含5 u m of花生四烯酸(arachid acid, AA)、亚麻酸((linoleic acid, LA)或亚油酸(oleic acid, OA)细胞外液灌流时,1 ccb分别被抑制在对照的3.8士。.6 %.35.2士。.8%和“.6士。.6%。在这种情况下,低渗牵张刺激可以使Iccb分别增加到106.。士2.5%.173.2士6.8%和222.1士11.0%0 5 umol/L AA抑制低渗牵张增加的毒覃碱电流51.2士3.8%,
而在等渗状态下抑制1 ccb为%.2士1.6。上述结果提示,不饱和脂肪酸中双键数目越多,抑制效应越强;但不饱和脂肪酸不参与低渗刺激加强毒覃碱电流的过程。

关键词: 不饱和脂肪; 毒覃碱电流; 低渗牵张; 幽门窦; 豚鼠

Role of unsaturated fatty acids in the enhancemernt of muscarinic currernt by hypos motic membrane stretch i n guinea pig smooth muscle cells

CUI Yi- Feng, LI Lin, YU Yong Chun, JIN Zheng Yuan, LI Zai- Liu, XU Wen Yie

Department of Physiology, Yanbian University College of Medicine, and Center of


To investigate the function of exogenous unsaturated fatty acids in hypos motic me mbrane stretch enhance ment of muscarinic current(lCCe) in antral circular smooth muscle cells of guinea pig,we recorded the membrane current with the conventional whole cell patch-clamp technique .lCCe elicited by 50 umol/ L carbachol(CCh) at the holding potential of一20 m V under isos motic
condition was taken as control .Hypos motic membrane stretch increased Iccb to 226. 0士21.0%.When the cells were pretreated with 5 umol/ L arachidonic acid(AA),linoleic acid(LA) or oleic acid(OA),lCCe was inhibited to 3. 8士0. 6%,35.2士0. 8%and 66. 6士0. 6%respectively .Hypos motic membrane stretch increased Iccb to 106.0士2. 5%,173. 2士6. 8%and 222.1士11 .0% of the control respectively .Five umol/ L AA inhibited hypos motic membrane stretch- enhanced Iccb by 51.2士3. 8%,while the control Iccb under isosmotic condition was inhibited by 96. 2士1 .6%.The results suggest that unsaturated fatty acids inhibited Iccb and the inhibitory effect is more significant when the unsaturation degree is increased .However,the unsaturated fatty acids are
not involved in the increase of Iccb induced by hypos motic membrane stretch.

Key words: unsaturated fatty acids;muscarinic current;hypos motic stretch;gastric antral myocytes;guinea pig

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崔艺峰, 李林, 禹永春, 金正元, 李在琉, 许文燮 . 不饱和脂肪酸在低渗牵张加强豚鼠胃窦平滑肌细胞毒#艹曲早#碱电流中的作用[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (1): .

CUI Yi- Feng, LI Lin, YU Yong Chun, JIN Zheng Yuan, LI Zai- Liu, XU Wen Yie. Role of unsaturated fatty acids in the enhancemernt of muscarinic currernt by hypos motic membrane stretch i n guinea pig smooth muscle cells . Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).