ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


白细胞介秦2对大鼠心肌Ca~(2 +) ATPase和Na~(+)/ K~(+) ATPase的影响

曹春梅, 夏强, 傅琛, 蒋惠娣, 叶治国, 沈岳良, 陈君柱



为了探讨IL 2对心肌细胞内钙影响的可能机制,用光学法检测心肌肌浆网Ca~(2+) ATPase的活性,以及细胞膜Ca 2+ ATPase和Na + / K+ ATPase的活性。结果:(1)用IL -2 (10 .40 .200. 800 U/ ml)灌流心脏后,其肌浆网Ca~(+)AT Pase的活性随IL 2浓度的升高而增强;(2)在ATP浓度为。.1一4 mmol/L时,Ca 2+ ATPase的活性随ATP浓度的升高而增强,由IL-2 (200 U/ ml)灌流后的心脏获得肌浆网(8 R),其Ca 2+ ATPase的活性对ATP的反应强于对照组;(3)在「Cat +伪1一40 umol/ L时,心脏S R Cat + ATPase的活性随「Cat +]增加而增强,而IL-2灌流心脏后分离的SR,其Cat + AT Pase活性在[Cat +]升高时没有明显改变;(4)用。or BNI (10 nmol/L)预处理5 mi。后,IL-2 (200 U/ ml)灌流后不再使S R Ca~(2+) AT Pase的活性增强;(5)用PTX (5 mg/ L)预处理后,IL-2对SR Ca~(2+) ATPase的影响减弱;(6)用磷脂酶C (PLC)抑制剂U73122 (5 11 mol/ L)处理后,IL-2不再使SR Ca ~(2+) ATPase活性增高;(7)用IL 2直接处理从正常大鼠分离的SR后,对S R Ca~(2+) + AT Pase活性无明显影响;( 8) IL-2灌流后,对心肌细胞膜Ca 2+ ATPase和Na+/ K~(2+)AT Pase活性没有显著影响。上述结果表明,IL 2灌流心脏后使心肌肌浆网 Ca~(2+) ATPase的活性增加,心肌细胞膜上的K阿片受体及其下游的G蛋白和PLC介导了IL 2的作用。尽管IL-2提高SR Ca~(2+) ATPase对ATP的反应性,但却抑制S R Ca ~(2+) ATPase对钙离子的敏感性。IL-2对心肌细胞膜Ca~(2+) ATPase和Na~(+) / K~(+) ATPase的活性无明显影响。

关键词: 生理学; 白细胞介素2; 分光光度法; 心脏; 肌浆网; Ca ~(2+)转运ATP酶; 阿片样受体

Effect of interleukirr 2 on the activity of Ca~(2十)ATPase and Na~(十)/K~(十)ATPase of sarcoplas mic reticulum and sarcolemma

CAO Chuir Mei, XIA Qiangl, FU Chen, JIANG Hui-Dig, YE Zhi Guo, SHEN Yue- Liang, CHEN Jun-Zhu

Department of Physiology,Department of Cardiology,Xijing Hospital,and 3 Department of Physics,The Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710032-


The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether interleukixr2(IL 2) changes the activity of sarcoplas mic reticulu m(S R) Ca~(2十)ATPase,sarcole m mal Cat十ATPase and Na~(十)/K~(十)ATPase by measuring the Pi liberated from ATP hydrolysis with colorimetrical methods .It was shown
that the activity of Ca~(十)AT Pase in SRfrom IL 2-perfused(10,40,200,800 U/ ml) rat heart increased dose- dependently .After incubation of the SR with ATP(0 .1一4 m mol/ L),the activity of S R Ca~(十)ATPase increased dosedependently in the control group .In the SR from 200 U/ ml IL 2-perfused
hearts,the activity of Ca~(十)ATPase was much higher than that in the control group .On the other hand,incubation of the S R with Ca~(十)(1-40 p mol/ L) increased the activity of SR Ca~(十)ATPase in the control group .The activity of S R Ca~(十)ATPase of IL 2-perfused hearts was inhibited as the function to Cat十.Pretreatment with specific x-opioid receptor antagonist norBNI(10 nmol/ L) for 5 min attenuated the effect of IL-2(200 U/ ml) on the activity of S R Cat十AT Pase.After pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PTX,5 mg/ L) or U73122(5 p mol/ L),IL -2 failed to increase SR Cat十ATPase activity.The activity
of S R Cat十ATPase was not changed by incubation of SR isolated from normal hearts with IL -2 .Per fusion of rat heart with IL -2 did not affect the activity of sarcole m mal Ca~(2十)ATPase and Na~(十)/K十AT Pase.
It is concluded that perfusion of rat heart with IL -2 increases the activity of SR Cat十ATPase dose-dependently,which is mainly mediated by cardiac x opioid receptor pathway including a PTX sensitive Gi7protein and phospholipase C .IL -2 increases the activity of SR Ca~(十)ATPase as the function to ATP,but inhibits the activity of S R Cat十ATPase as the function to Ca~(2十).IL -2 has no effect on the activity of sarcolemmal Cat~(十)ATPase and Na~(十)/K十AT Pase.

Key words: Physiology;inte rleukirr 2;spectrophotometry;Heart;sarcoplas micreticulu m;Ca~(2+)AT Pase;opioid receptors

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曹春梅, 夏强, 傅琛, 蒋惠娣, 叶治国, 沈岳良, 陈君柱. 白细胞介秦2对大鼠心肌Ca~(2 +) ATPase和Na~(+)/ K~(+) ATPase的影响[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (1): .

CAO Chuir Mei, XIA Qiangl, FU Chen, JIANG Hui-Dig, YE Zhi Guo, SHEN Yue- Liang, CHEN Jun-Zhu. Effect of interleukirr 2 on the activity of Ca~(2十)ATPase and Na~(十)/K~(十)ATPase of sarcoplas mic reticulum and sarcolemma. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).