ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


MK 801降低鞘内注射强啡肽A(1 17)对福尔马林诱导的大鼠痛反应的增强效应

祁文秀, 卢重让

山西医科大学汾阳学院生理教研室,山西, 汾阳 032200;山西省太原市中心医院麻醉科,山西,太原 30001


实验用福尔马林试验在动物痛模型上观察了鞘内单纯注射生理盐水(NS) . N MDA受体阻断剂MK 801 、阿片受体阻断剂纳洛酮(naloxone)、强啡肤A[ Dyn A (1-17)]以及先用MK 801或纳洛酮再注射Dyn A ( 1-17)对动物的行为痛反应的影响。大鼠后肢脚掌皮下注射福尔马林后出现的行为痛反应显示有2个时相,即首先出现持续较短的第一时相和3一6 min后出现的持续较长的第二时相。实验结果显示,各组的第一时相无明显差异;而第二时相则有差异:鞘内注射Dyn A (1-17)组第二时相痛反应持续时间(489. 5士22. 5 s)明显较单纯鞘内注射NS组(344. 7士12.9 s)、MK 801组(331 . 4士20. 7 s)和纳洛酮组(352. 5士18.4 s)长(均为P<0.01);而先用N MDA受体阻断剂MK 801后再注射Dyn A (1-17),则第二时相行为痛反应的持续时间(285.7士19.4 s)较单纯注射Dyn A (1-17)组明显缩短(P<0.01),但与单纯鞘内注射MK 801组相比无明显差异;先用阿片受体阻断剂纳洛酮后再注射Dyn
A (1-17),则动物的第二时相行为痛反应(473. 8士17.8 s)与单纯注射Dyn A (1-17)组相比无明显差异,而与单纯注射NS组或纳洛酮组相比则明显增强(分别为P<0.01)。因此本实验结果提示:(1)在脊髓水平的Dyn A(1-17)具有促进福尔马林所诱导的第二时相行为痛反应作用;(2) Dyn A (I-17)的促痛作用是通过N MDA受体而不是阿片受体起作用的。

关键词: 强啡肽A(1-17) ; NMDA受体; MK 801; 阿片受体; 纳洛酮; 行为痛反应; 大鼠

MK 801 suppresses dynorphin A(1-17)--induced facilitation of nociceptive responses to formalin in rats

Q1 Wenxiu , LU Chongr Rang

Department of Physiology, Fen Yang College, Fenyang 032200;Department Anesthesiology, The Center Hospital of Taiyuan Taiyuan 030001


To explore the facilitation of nociceptive response by dynorphin(Dyn)A in a model of for malin test in rats,the effects of single intrathecal injection(i. t.)of normal saline(NS),MK 801(antagonist of NMDA receptor),naloxone(antagonist of opioid receptor),or Dyn A(1一17) were observed,and the effects of i. t. MK 801 or naloxone followed by i. t. Dyn A(1一17) were observed as well .The nociceptive licking and biting induced by injection of formalin exhibited two phases·The first phase lasted for a relatively short period of 3一9 min,and the second phase lasted for a relatively longer period after a 3 to 6- min quietness .The results showed that there were no differences in the first phase in all groups;however,there were differences in the second phase as follows:(1)the duration of nociceptive
response was significantly increased in Dyn A(1一17) group(489. 5士22. 5 s) as compared to that of NS group(344. 7士12. 9 s),MK-801 group(331.4士20. 7 s) or naloxone group(352. 5士18.4 s)(P<0. 01 in three cases);(2) the duration of nociceptive response was significantly shortened in MK 801 plus Dyn A(1一17) group(285. 7士19. 4 s) as compared to that of Dyn A(1一17) group(P<0.01),but
there were no significant differences as compared to that of MK 801 group;and(3) there was no significant difference in the second phase between naloxone plus Dyn A(1一17) group(473.8士17. 8 s) and Dyn A(1一17) group,but the duration of nociceptive response was longer than that of NS group or nalox-
one group(P<0. 0l in both)·The results obtained suggest:(1)at the spinal cord,Dyn A(1一17) facilitates nociceptive responses;(2) NMDA receptors,but not opioid receptors,are possibly involved in the nociception by Dyn A(1一17).

Key words: dynorphin A(1一17);NMDA receptor;MK 801;;;;

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祁文秀, 卢重让. MK 801降低鞘内注射强啡肽A(1 17)对福尔马林诱导的大鼠痛反应的增强效应[J]. 生理学报 2003; 55 (1): .

Q1 Wenxiu , LU Chongr Rang. MK 801 suppresses dynorphin A(1-17)--induced facilitation of nociceptive responses to formalin in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).