ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



刘素青, 吴晶, 杨建珍, 田少华, 陈南晖, 雷衍林, 彭沿平, 王建红, 马原野

中科院昆明动物研究所灵长类认知实验室.云南,昆明 650223



关键词: 单位放电; 自由活动大鼠; 线索相关; 吗啡戒断; 海马

Methods for single unit recording in behavioring morphine craving rat

Liu Suqing, Wu Jing, Yang Jianzhen, Tian Shaohua, Chen Nanhui, Lei Yanlin, Peng Yanping, Wang Jianhong, Ma Yuanye

Section of Primates Cognitive Brain Research,Kunming Institute of Zoology,the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Kunming 650223,Yunnan


In this paper, one method was introduced, which was a combination of the cue-related morphine addiction model and a technique for obtaining chronic extracellular recordings of single units in freely moving rats. With the combination and improvement of this technique, We have successfully applied this new method to study the neuronal activity of the hippocampus CA1 region in morphine withdrawal rats. In all, we found some more accurate and objective cellular characteristics of hippocampal neurons, and considered these characteristics as one of electrophysiological indexes of morphine addiction rats.

Key words: Single unit recording;Freely moving rat;cue-related;Morphine withdrawal;Hippocampus

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刘素青, 吴晶, 杨建珍, 田少华, 陈南晖, 雷衍林, 彭沿平, 王建红, 马原野. 一种用于吗啡心理渴求研究的自由活动动物神经元胞外记录法[J]. 生理学报 2004; 56 (6): .

Liu Suqing, Wu Jing, Yang Jianzhen, Tian Shaohua, Chen Nanhui, Lei Yanlin, Peng Yanping, Wang Jianhong, Ma Yuanye. Methods for single unit recording in behavioring morphine craving rat. Acta Physiol Sin 2004; 56 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).