刘健, 张巧俊, 郭北川, 曹东元, 王克模
实验观察了前列腺素(prostaglandins, PGs)合成限速酶-非选择性环氧合酶(cyclo-oxygenase, COX)抑制剂消炎痛和外源性前列腺素E_2(prostaglandin E_2, PGE_2)对糖尿病痛过敏大鼠隐神经中A_δ单位和C单位传入的活动影响。结果发现,糖尿病痛过敏大鼠A_δ单和C单位的传导速度和它们的机械阈值显著降低,少数A_δ单位(4/24)和C单位(2/18)具有自发活动。腹腔注射消炎痛后能明显缓解糖尿病痛过敏大鼠的机械性痛过敏,并抑制自发放电。在消炎痛阻断内源性PGs合成后,外源性PGE_2能使糖尿病痛过敏组和对照组大鼠A_δ单位和C单位的机械阈值显著降低,并诱发糖尿病痛过敏组大鼠3个A_δ单位(3/24)和1个C单位(1/18),以及对照组大鼠2个A_δ单位(2-13)产生传入活动。结果提示,在患糖尿病性神经病时,PG的合成和释放增多,这些PGs敏化或和激活A_δ单位和C单位,诱发糖尿病大鼠产生痛过敏和触诱发痛。
Prostaglandin inhibitor indormethacin inhibits afferent activities of A_δ and C units in the saphenous nerve of diabetic hyperalgesic rats
Liu Jian, Zhang Qiao, Guo Beichuan, Cao Dongyuan, Wang Kemo
Department of Physiology, School of Medicne, Xi^an Joao Tong University,Xi^an(910061);Department of Neurology, the Second Hospital, Xi^an Jiao Tong University,Xi^an(910004)
The effects of a non-selective inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) indomethacin, and exogenous prostaglandin E_2 (PGE_2) on A_δ units and C units in the saphenous nerve of diabetic hyperagesic rats were studied. The results showed that the conduction velocity of A_δ units (4/24) and C units (2/18) produced increased spontaneous activities. Intraperitoneal injection of indomethacin in diabetic hyperalgesic rats significantly relieved mechanical hyperalgesia, and resulted in a decrease in spontaneous afferent activities of the A_δ units and C units. Subcutaneous injection of exogenous PGE_2 into the diabetic hyperagesic and control rats produced a significant decrease in mechanical threshold of the A_δ units and C units, and elicited discharge from 3 A_δunits (3/24) and 1 C unit (1/18) in diabetic hyperagesic rats and from 2 A_δ units (2/13) in control rats. The present data suggest that the synthesis and release of PGs are increased in diabetic neuropathy, PGs can sensitize and/or activate A_δ units and C units and elicit hyperagesia and allodynia in diabetic rats.
Key words: Hyperalgesia;Indomethacin;Unitary discharge;Diabetes;Rat
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刘健, 张巧俊, 郭北川, 曹东元, 王克模. 前列腺素抑制剂消炎痛抑制糖尿病痛过敏大鼠陷神经中A_δ和C单位的传入活动[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (5): .
Liu Jian, Zhang Qiao, Guo Beichuan, Cao Dongyuan, Wang Kemo. Prostaglandin inhibitor indormethacin inhibits afferent activities of A_δ and C units in the saphenous nerve of diabetic hyperalgesic rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).