Thermal hyperalgesic effects induced by intracerebroventricular injection of interleukin-1βin rats
Ji Guangchen, Ma Fei, Zhang Yuqiu, Wu Gencheng
Department of Neurobiology, State key laboratory of Medical neurobiology, Medical Center of Fudan University (The Former Shanghai Medical University).Shanghai(200032)
The present study was to investigate the effects of intracerebroventricular (i. c. v.) injection ofinterleukin-1β (IL-1β) on thermal nociception in SD rats. The rats were divided into control and drug-administered groups. The animals of control group were given vehicle solution via i. c. v. injection. The animals of drug-administered groups were given IL-1β at different doses (5, 50 and 500 pg/kg b. w.) via i. c. v. injection. IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1 ra, 50 ng/kg) was injected 20 min before injection of IL-1β or vehicle solution. The nociceptive threshold, which was represented as paw withdrawal latency (PWL), to a noxious thermal stimulation was measured using an analgesiameter. I. c. v. injection of IL-1β dose-dependently shortened the PWL. At the dose of 500 pg/kg, the shortening of the PWL occurred at 20 min, reaching a peak within 40 min, lasted 100 min after injection, then gradually returned to the baseline level. Pretreatment with IL-1 ra completely blocked the effects of IL-1β-induced shortening in PWL. The results obtained suggest that IL-1β may induce hyperalgesia in rats through binding to IL-1 receptors in the brain.
姬广臣, 马飞, 张玉秋, 吴根诚
实验在SD大鼠上应用脑室微量注射和辐射热测痛的方法,研究了脑内微量注射白介素-1β对大鼠痛阈的影响。实验大鼠分为给药组和对照组,在给药组大鼠脑室注射不同剂量的白介素-1β(5、50和500pg/kg), 对照组大鼠脑室注射配药液。白介素-1受体拮抗剂(IL-1ra, 50 ng/kg)在脑室注射白介素-1β前20min给予。实验以大鼠对光热刺激引起的缩爪反射潜伏期为痛阈指标。结果表明,脑室注射白介素-1β可显著缩短大鼠对光热刺激的缩爪反射潜伏期,并具有剂量依赖性关系。脑室给予500pg/kg的白介素-1β20min后,大鼠对光热刺激的缩爪反射潜伏期显著缩短,40min时达峰值,然后逐渐恢复。该作用可被白介素-1β受体拮抗剂阻断。结果提示脑中白介素-1β可通过作用于白介素-1受体引起热痛敏作用。
Key words: Interleukin-1##beta;Thermal hyperalgesia;Brain
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Ji Guangchen, Ma Fei, Zhang Yuqiu, Wu Gencheng. Thermal hyperalgesic effects induced by intracerebroventricular injection of interleukin-1βin rats[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (4): .
姬广臣, 马飞, 张玉秋, 吴根诚. 脑室注射白介素-1β引起的热痛敏作用. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).