ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



孙启新, 赵晏, 张世红, 史文春, 王会生

西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院生物医学工程系.陕西,西安 710049;西安交通大学医学院生理教研室.陕西,西安 710061



关键词: Aβ类初级传入纤维; 感受野; 机械感受阈值; 相邻皮节神经末梢; 信息传递

Changes in mechano-receptive properties of A#beta#-fiber induced by antidromical electrical stimulation of the cutaneous nerve from adjacent spinal segment

Sun Qixin, Zhao Yan, Zhang Shihong, Shi Wenchun, Wang Huisheng

Department of Biological Medical Engineering,College of Life Science and Technology,Xi^an Jiaotong University.Xi^an 710049,Shaanxi;China


The results suggest that low-threshold mechanoreceptive A#beta#-fibers are affected by antidromical electrical stimulation of the cutaneous nerve from an adjacent spinal segment, indicating that information transmission occurs between the two endings of peripheral afferent nerves from adjacent spinal segments without any involvement of the central nervous system, and that A#beta#-fibers are involved in the process of information intransmission between peripheral terminals from adjacent spinal segments.

Key words: Primary afferent A#beta#-fiber;Receptive field;Mechanoceptive threshold;Information transmission between peripheral terminals from adjacent spinal segments ;

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孙启新, 赵晏, 张世红, 史文春, 王会生. 电刺激大鼠皮神经外周端对相邻脊髓节段皮神经内A#beta#纤维的机械感受特性的影响[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (6): .

Sun Qixin, Zhao Yan, Zhang Shihong, Shi Wenchun, Wang Huisheng. Changes in mechano-receptive properties of A#beta#-fiber induced by antidromical electrical stimulation of the cutaneous nerve from adjacent spinal segment. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).