ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q




路易斯维尔大学内科系与生理系.美国,肯塔基州 40292



关键词: 感觉神经; 机械性感受器; 反射;

An overview of vagal airway receptors

Jerry Yu

Department of Medicine,and Physiology and Biophysics,University of Louisville,Louisville,KY 40292


Breathing is critically depending on a variety of sensory feebacks from multiple sources for its optimal performance. The sensory information from the lung and airways probably provides one of the most importnt feedbacks to adjust the respiratory controller to generate optimal breathing movements. Since Breuer and Hering made the seminal report regarding role of the vagus nerve in control of breathing in 1868, airway sensory recetors have been a subject for intensive and extensive studies. After more than a century investigation, out knowledge accumulates immensely, however, our understanding of the nature of these sensory receptors is still far from complete. This brief review provides an overview on this topic.

Key words: Sensory nerve;Mechanoreceptor;Reflex;Lung

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於峻. 呼吸道迷走神经感受顺概述[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (6): .

Jerry Yu. An overview of vagal airway receptors. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).