ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王玉芳, 於峻

路易斯维尔大学内科系与生理系.美国,肯塔基州 40292



关键词: 气道感受器; 感受神经; 钠泵; 免疫组化

Na~(+)/K~(+)-ATPase as a marker for detecting pulmonary sensory receptors

Wang Yufang, Jerry Yu

Department of Medicine,and Physiology and Biophysics,University of Louisville.Louisville, KY 40292


Here we describe a new approach using confocal microscopy to examine the structure of immunohistochemically stained airway receptors by using Na~(+)/K~(+)-ATPase as a marker. This method permits detailed observation of pulmonary receptor structures and their relationship to target tissue in the rabbit. The parent axon has multiple branches that supply the receptor structure. Each structure has multiple endings that form leaf-like terminals. This technique permits examining pulmonary receptor structures in detail, and should assist in identifying the morphology of the receptors and the mechanisms of receptor activation.

Key words: Airway receptor;Sensory nerve;Sodium pump;Immunohistoche mistry

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王玉芳, 於峻. 用荧光标记钠钾ATP酶显示气道感受器结构[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (5): .

Wang Yufang, Jerry Yu. Na~(+)/K~(+)-ATPase as a marker for detecting pulmonary sensory receptors. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).