ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陈龙, 任文华, 朱善良, 高伟, 周娟, 蒋英子, 谷宇

南京师范大学生命科学学院.江苏,南京 210097;南京医科大学江苏省应用毒理重点实验室.江苏,南京 210029



关键词: ; 睾丸; 生殖; 内分泌; 大鼠

Effects of chronic cadmium loading on the testis and endocrine function of reproduction in male rats

Chen Long, Ren Wenhua, Zhu Shanliang, Gao Wei, Zhou Juan, Jiang Yingzi, Gu Yu

College of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University.Nanjing 210097,Jiangsu;China


Sixty healthy Sprague-Dawley male rats were used and divided randomly into control group (group C), cadmium loading group with medium dose (group M) and cadmium loading group with high dose (group H). Groups C, M and H were orally dosed daily with 0, 5 and 10mg/kg of cadmium for over 6 weeks. Effects of cadmium loading on testis and endocrine function of reproduction in male rats were studied. The results showed that the gradual accumulation of cadmium in testis tissue induced by chronic cadmium loading results in changes in some enzyme activity, a decrease in sperm production, and defect of endocrine function activity in the testis.

Key words: Cadmium;Testis;Reproduction;Endocrinology;Rats

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陈龙, 任文华, 朱善良, 高伟, 周娟, 蒋英子, 谷宇. 慢性镉负荷雄性大鼠的睾丸及生殖内分泌功能活动[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (3): .

Chen Long, Ren Wenhua, Zhu Shanliang, Gao Wei, Zhou Juan, Jiang Yingzi, Gu Yu. Effects of chronic cadmium loading on the testis and endocrine function of reproduction in male rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).