ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



赵晓云, 凌亦凌, 孟爱宏, 单宝恩, 张君岚

河北医科大学病理生理学教研室.河北,石家庄 050017;河北医科大学第四医院科研中心.河北,石家庄 050017


为探讨八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK-8)对麻醉大鼠心功能的影响及受体机制,实验监测了左心室收缩压(LVP)、左心室收缩与舒张期内压变化的最大速率(±LV dp/dt_(max))、心率(HR)和平均动脉压(MAP)。结果如下:小剂量CCK-8(0.4#mu#g/kg)可引起心动过速,MAP、LVP和±LV dp/dt_(max)轻度上升;中剂量CCK-8(4#mu#g/kg)和大剂量CCK-8(40#mu#g/kg)可引起心动过缓,MAP、LVP和±LV dp/dt_(max)显著增加;应用CCK-受体(CCK-R)拮抗剂丙谷胺(1.0mg/kg)抑制以上变化;由逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测到心肌组织有CCK-A受体(CCK-AR)和CCK-B受体(CCK-BR)mRNA表达。以上结果提示:CCK-8可激活心肌组织的CCK-R,引起剂量依赖性的心功能增加和心率改变。

关键词: 胆囊收缩素; 心功能; 受体

Effects of cholecystokinin octapeptide on rat cardiac function and the receptor mechanism

Zhao Xiaoyun, Ling Yiling, Meng Aihong, Shan Baoen, Zhang Junlan

Department of Pathophysiology,Hebei Medical University.Shijiazhuang 050017,Hebei;China


The aim of this study was to explore the effects of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) on cardiac function an the receptor mechanism in anesthetized rats. The mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), the left ventricle systolic pressure (LVP) and the maximal/minimum rate of LVP (±LV dp/dt_(max)) were measured. The results obtained are as follows. (1) Low dose of CCK-8 (0.4#mu#g/kg i.v.) caused tachycardia and slight increase in MAP, LVP and ±LV dp/dt_(max) (P<0.01), while medium dose (4.0 #mu#g/kg i.v.) and high dose of CCK-8 (40#mu#g/kg i.v.) elicited a bradycardia and marked increase in MAP, LVP and ±LV dp/dt_(max) (P<0.01). (2) Proglumide (1.0mg/kg i.v.), a CCK-receptor (CCK-R) antagonist, significantly inhibited the pressor effects of CCK-8, whilst it reversed the bradycardic responses (P<0.01). (3) Using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), CCK-A receptor (CCK-AR) and CCK-B receptor (CCK-BR) mRNA were expressed in myocardium of rats. The above results indicate that CCK-8 may enhance cardiac function in a dose-dependent manner and elicit a change in HR, which is likely induced by the activation of CCK-R on myocardium.

Key words: Cholecystokinin;Cardiac function;Receptor

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赵晓云, 凌亦凌, 孟爱宏, 单宝恩, 张君岚. 八肽胆囊收缩素对大鼠心功能的影响及受体机制[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (3): .

Zhao Xiaoyun, Ling Yiling, Meng Aihong, Shan Baoen, Zhang Junlan. Effects of cholecystokinin octapeptide on rat cardiac function and the receptor mechanism. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).