ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陈谦, 郭维维, 吴燕, 刘红, 翟所强, 汪家政, 范明

军事医学科学院基础医学研究所.北京 100850;解放军总医院耳鼻喉科研究所.北京 100853



关键词: 重组腺病毒; 神经营养素3; 噪音; 螺旋神经节

Adenovirus-mediated NT3 gene transfer protects spiral ganglion neurons from degeneration after noise trauma

Chen Qian, Guo Weiwei, Wu Yan, Liu Hong, Zhai Suoqiang, Wang Jiazheng, Fan Ming

Beijing Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,Academy of Military Medical Sciences.Beijing 100850;China


In the experiments, efficient transduction and long term expression of foreign gene of cochlea cells has been found with adenovirus carried lacZ gene (Ad-lacZ). A model of guinea pig deafness was made by intense noise exposure, which destroyed the entire organ of Corti in the middle part of the cochlea. Seven days after noise exposure, the animals were anesthetized and 1X10~(8) recombinant adenoviral particles were injected into the scala tympani through the round window membrane. Animals inoculated with neurotrophin 3 adenovirus (Ad-NT3) were designated as the experimental group, animals inoculated with Ad-lacZ vector served as the control group. Four weeks after the inoculation of the virus, NT3 immunoreactivity was observed in the Ad-NT3 inoculated group. HE histochemical staining results showed that in the Ad-lacZ ijected group, the neuronal degeneration was severer and the density of spiral ganglion neurons was significantly lower than those in the Ad-NT3 injected group.

Key words: Recombinant adenoviruses;Neurotrophin 3;Noise trauma;Spiral ganglion neuron

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陈谦, 郭维维, 吴燕, 刘红, 翟所强, 汪家政, 范明. 腺病毒介导的NT3基因转染对噪音损伤的耳蜗螺旋神经节细胞的保护作用[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (3): .

Chen Qian, Guo Weiwei, Wu Yan, Liu Hong, Zhai Suoqiang, Wang Jiazheng, Fan Ming. Adenovirus-mediated NT3 gene transfer protects spiral ganglion neurons from degeneration after noise trauma. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).