ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



贾军, 赵晏, 史文春, 王会生, 郭媛

西安交通大学医学院生理教研室.陕西,西安 710061



关键词: 机械感受单位; 分离神经细束; 传入放电; 电刺激; 感觉神经

Effects of electrical stimulation of the dorsal cutaneous branches of spinal nerves on the discharge activity of remote mechanoreceptive units in rats

Jia Jun, Zhao Yan, Shi Wenchun, Wang Huisheng, Guo Yuan

Department of Physiology,Medical School of Xi^an Jiaotong University.Xi^an 710062,Shaanxi


The results suggest that antidromic electrical stimulation of the dorsal cutaneous branches of spinal nerves leads to sensitization of A#delta# and C mechanoreceptive units of the remote peripheral nerve endings, which results in an increase in afferent discharge of these units.

Key words: Mechanoreceptive units;Isolating nerve filaments;Afferent discharge;Electrical stimulation;Sensoy nerve

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贾军, 赵晏, 史文春, 王会生, 郭媛. 电刺激大鼠脊神经皮支对远距离机械感受单位电活动的影响[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (2): .

Jia Jun, Zhao Yan, Shi Wenchun, Wang Huisheng, Guo Yuan. Effects of electrical stimulation of the dorsal cutaneous branches of spinal nerves on the discharge activity of remote mechanoreceptive units in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).