ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



颜明, 张励才, 戴体俊, 曾因明, 段世明

徐州医学院附属医院麻醉科.江苏,徐州 221006;徐州医学院麻醉学系.江苏,徐州 221002



关键词: 异丙酚; 脊髓; 免疫组织化学; 组织化学; Fos; NOS

Propofol depresses c-fos expression of NOS neurons in the spinal cord of rats with inflammatory pain

Yan Ming, Zhang Licai, Dai Tijun, Zeng Yinming, Duan Shiming

Department of Anesthesiology,Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College.Xuzhou 221006,Jiangsu;China


The results suggest that the antinociceptive function of propofol is possibly involved in the depression of the NOS neurons in the spinal cord.

Key words: Propofol;Spinal cord;Immunohistoche mistiy;Histoche mistry;Fos;NOS

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颜明, 张励才, 戴体俊, 曾因明, 段世明. 异丙酚抑制炎性痛大鼠脊髓NOS神经元的c-fos表达[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (1): .

Yan Ming, Zhang Licai, Dai Tijun, Zeng Yinming, Duan Shiming. Propofol depresses c-fos expression of NOS neurons in the spinal cord of rats with inflammatory pain. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).