ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王升, 何瑞荣

河北医科大学基础医学研究所生理室.河北,石家庄 050017


在切断双侧缓冲神经的麻醉雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠上,同步记录血压、心率和RVLM神经元的自发放电活动。结果提示,E_(2)可通过非基因组效应激 活RVLM神经元的NOS而引发NO释放,进而抑制其自发放电活动。

关键词: 雌激素; 延髓腹外侧头端区; 自发放电; 一氧化氮

Effects of intracarotid injection of 17#beta#-estradiol on electrical activity of rostral ventrolateral medullary neurons in male rats

Wang Sheng, He Ruirong

Department of Physiology,Hebei Medical University.Shijiazhuang 050017,Hebei


Results suggest that E_(2) may inhibit spontaneous electrical activity of RVLM neurons, an effect which is mediated by the activation of NOS with the resultant of NO release via nongenomic actions.

Key words: Estrogen;Rostral ventrolateral medulla;Spontaneous discharge;Nitric oxide

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王升, 何瑞荣. 颈动脉注射17#beta#-雌二醇对去缓冲神经大鼠延髓腹外侧头端区神经元放电活动的影响[J]. 生理学报 2002; 54 (1): .

Wang Sheng, He Ruirong. Effects of intracarotid injection of 17#beta#-estradiol on electrical activity of rostral ventrolateral medullary neurons in male rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2002; 54 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).