ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张宗申, 利容千, 王建波

武汉大学植物发育生物学教育部重点实验室.湖北,武汉 430072


在常温下生长的辣椒(Capsicum annuum L.)叶肉细胞中Ca~(2+)-ATP酶主要分布于质膜、液泡膜上,叶绿体的基质和基粒片层上也有少量分布;在40℃下热胁迫不同的时间,酶活性逐渐下降,直至叶绿体超微结构解体。同样条件下,经过Ca~(2+)预处理后,分布在上述细胞器膜或片层上的酶活性大大提高,表明Ca~(2+)预处理对该酶活性具有激活作用;Ca~(2+)预处理对热胁迫下的超微结构的完整性具有一定的保护作用,并且能使Ca~(2+)-ATP酶在热胁迫下维持较高活性。结果表明,Ca~(2+)预处理增强辣椒幼苗的抗热性,可能与其稳定细胞膜、从而使Ca~(2+)-ATP酶在热胁迫下保持较高活性有一定关系。

关键词: 辣椒; 热胁迫; Ca2+; Ca2+ATP酶

Effect of Ca~(2+) pretreatment on the Ca~(2+)-ATPase activity in the mesophyll cells of pepper seedling under heat stress

Zhang Zongshen, Li Rongqian, Wang Jianbo

Key Laboratory of MOE for Plant Developmental Biology,Wuhan University.Wuhan 430072,Hubei


The results suggested that the improvement of thermotolerance in pepper seedlings caused by calcium pretreatment might result from its contribution to maintain the higher ATPase activity under heat stress.

Key words: Pepper;Heat stress;Calcium;Ca~(2+)-ATPase

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张宗申, 利容千, 王建波. Ca~(2+)预处理对热胁迫下辣椒叶肉细胞中Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性的影响[J]. 生理学报 2001; 53 (6): .

Zhang Zongshen, Li Rongqian, Wang Jianbo. Effect of Ca~(2+) pretreatment on the Ca~(2+)-ATPase activity in the mesophyll cells of pepper seedling under heat stress. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).