ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


Bay K8644及nifedipine对大鼠下丘脑神经元L-型Ca~(2+)通道特性的影响

付青姐, 邹飞

第一军医大学高温医学研究室.广东,广州 510515


采用神经元急性分离和膜片箝技术以及细胞贴附式方式记录通道活动,探讨DHP类Ca~(2+)通道激动剂Bay K8644及拮抗剂nifedipine对下丘脑神经元L-型Ca~(2+)通道的影响。结果显示,在By K8644作用下,通道开放形式发生变化,明显可见多级开放;通道平均开放时间、平均开放概率显著增加,但单通道电导无明显变化。nifedipine的作用与Bay K8644相反。

关键词: 下丘脑; L-型Ca2+通道; Bay K8644; nifedipine; 膜片箝技术

Effects of Bay K8644 and nifedipine on L-type Ca~(2+) channels in hypothalamic neurons of rats

Fu Qingjie, Zou Fei

Department of Thermal Environment Medicine,First Military Medical University.Guangzhou 510515,Guangdong


To investigate the effects of Bay K8644 and nifedipine on L-type of Ca~(2+) channels in hypothalamic neurons, the cell-attached patch-clamp technique was used to record Ca~(2+) current from isolated neurons. The results showed that the averaged open time and NPo markedly increased by Bay K8644, but had no effect on channel conductance. Nifedipine, on the contrary, had an inhibitory effect on the L-type Ca~(2+) channels.

Key words: Hypothalamus;Ltype Cat~(2+) channel;Bay K8644;Nifedipine;Patch-clamp technique

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付青姐, 邹飞. Bay K8644及nifedipine对大鼠下丘脑神经元L-型Ca~(2+)通道特性的影响[J]. 生理学报 2001; 53 (5): .

Fu Qingjie, Zou Fei. Effects of Bay K8644 and nifedipine on L-type Ca~(2+) channels in hypothalamic neurons of rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).