陈立松, 齐一萍, Akihiro N
福建农林大学园艺系.福建,福州 350002;福建省医学科学研究所.福建,福州 350001;Faculty of Agriculture,Saga University. Saga 840-8502
研究了景天酸代谢(CAM)植物菠萝(Ananas comosus)叶片绿色组织与贮水组织的苹果酸、腺苷酸及焦磷酸含量的昼夜变化。夜间苹果酸的积累仅发生在绿色组织中,而且,其含量也远高于贮水组织。绿色组织中能荷和无机磷含量夜间增高,白天下降。绿色组织中焦磷酸含量夜间增加,在白天的头几个小时迅速下降到低的水平,然后保持稳定。与绿色组织相比,贮水组织中ATP、ADP、无机磷和焦磷酸的含量低得多,且不表现昼夜变化,在贮水组织中没有测到AMP。
关键词: 菠萝; 绿色组织; 景天酸代谢; 腺苷酸; 焦磷酸; 贮水组织
Diurnal changes in the contents of adenine nucleotides and inorganic pyrophosphate in the chlorenchyma and the water storage parenchyma of Ananas comosus leaves
Chen Lisong, Qi Yiping, Akihiro N
Department of Horticulture,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University.Fuzhou 350002,Fujian;China
Key words: Ananas comosus;Chlorenchy ma;Crassulacean acid metabolism;Adenylate nucleotide;Inorganic pyrophosphate;Water storage parenchyma
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陈立松, 齐一萍, Akihiro N. 菠萝叶片绿色组织与贮水组织的腺苷酸及焦磷酸水平的昼夜变化[J]. 生理学报 2001; 53 (4): .
Chen Lisong, Qi Yiping, Akihiro N. Diurnal changes in the contents of adenine nucleotides and inorganic pyrophosphate in the chlorenchyma and the water storage parenchyma of Ananas comosus leaves. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).