ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



金玫蕾, 莫韫, 刘留, 郭宁, 谢青莲, 林桢, 王星, 李葆明, 赵国屏, 景乃禾, 于雷

中科院上海生命科学研究院生物工程研究中心.上海 200233;复旦大学神经生物学研究所.上海 200433;中科院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所.上海 200031;美国辛辛纳提大学医学院



关键词: 基因功能; 动物行为学; 反义核酸; cDNA亚库; 神经系统

An exploration of animal behavior screen platform for novel gene function in central nervous system

Jin Meilei, Mo Yun, Liu Liu, Guo Ning, Xie Qinglian, Lin Zhen, Wang Xing, Li Baoming, Zhao Guoping, Jing Naihe, Yu Lei

Research Center of Biotechnology,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200233;China;Institute of Biochemistry & Cell Biology,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200031


For the purpose of large-scale screening of novel gene functions in mammalian nervous system, we have developed an animal behavior-monitoring platform employing antisense-oligo technology. Twenty genes of different categories were chosen from a low abundant gene cDNA sub-library of rat brain. Antisense oligo-nucleotides of these genes were designed and synthesized according to the homologues of the genes in mouse for mouse behavior tests. These antisense oligos were injected into the lateral ventricles of mouse brain using a Hamilton micro-syringe, with saline and oligos of scramble sequences as controls.

Key words: Gene function;Animal behavior;Antisense-oligo;cDNA sub-library;Nervous system

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金玫蕾, 莫韫, 刘留, 郭宁, 谢青莲, 林桢, 王星, 李葆明, 赵国屏, 景乃禾, 于雷. 筛选神经系统基因功能的行为学检测平台的探索[J]. 生理学报 2001; 53 (4): .

Jin Meilei, Mo Yun, Liu Liu, Guo Ning, Xie Qinglian, Lin Zhen, Wang Xing, Li Baoming, Zhao Guoping, Jing Naihe, Yu Lei. An exploration of animal behavior screen platform for novel gene function in central nervous system. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).