刘丽敏, 谢燕, 虞芬, 张茂先
首都医科大学生理教研室.北京 100054
关键词: Mauthner细胞; 迷走神经; 突触后电位; 鲫鱼
Intracellular potential changes in crucian carps^ Mauthner cells evoked by vagal sensory inputs
Liu Limin, Xie Yan, Yu Fen, Zhang Maoxian
Department of Physiology,Capital University of Medical Sciences.Beijing 100054
The results suggest that the afferent pathways from vagus to M-cells are mediated by several neuron chains with different numbers of relayed synapses, and they may be excitatory and/or inhibitory in nature. Therefore vagus input would modulate the excitability of the M-cells.
Key words: Mauthner cell;Vagus;Crucian carp ;
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刘丽敏, 谢燕, 虞芬, 张茂先. 迷走神经感觉输入诱发的鲫鱼Mauthner细胞胞内电位变化[J]. 生理学报 2001; 53 (4): .
Liu Limin, Xie Yan, Yu Fen, Zhang Maoxian. Intracellular potential changes in crucian carps^ Mauthner cells evoked by vagal sensory inputs. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).