ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



赵晓燕, 蒋正尧, 彭建中

宁夏银川解放军第五医院心肾内科.宁夏,银川 750004;青岛大学医学院生理教研室.山东,青岛 266021;宁夏医学院药理教研室.宁夏,银川 750004


在麻醉大鼠侧脑室注射左旋-叶qiu碱(L-Sec),记录动脉血压(AP)、心率(HR)及肾交感神经放电(RSND),观察前脑室周系统GABA能紧张性活动改变引起的心血管效应。结果如下:(1)L-Sec可引起RSND增加、AP升高和HR加快,并呈一定剂量-效应关系;但L-Sec作用明显弱于bicuculline (Bic)。(2)L-Sec既能拮抗muscimol (Mus),又能拮抗baclofen(Bac)引起的交感抑制和降压反应。

Cardiovascular effects of lateral intracerebroventricular injection of L-securinine

Zhao Xiaoyan, Jiang Zhengyao, Peng Jianzhong

Clinic of Cardionephretic internal medicine,Fifth Hospital of PLA.Yinchuan 750004,Ningxia;China


To investigate cardiovascular effects of changed GABA ergic tonic activation in periventricular forebrain, arterial pressure (AP), heart rate (HR) and renal sympathetic nerve discharge (RSND) were recorded in anesthetized rats when L-securinine (L-Sec) was asministered into the laternal intracerebro-ventricle. L-Sec elicited dose-dependent increases in RSND, AP and HR, which were much weaker than those of bicuculline. L-Sec antagonized the sympatho-inhibitory and depressor effects evoked by both muscimol and baclofen.

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赵晓燕, 蒋正尧, 彭建中. 侧脑室注射一叶qiu碱的心血管效应及作用机制[J]. 生理学报 2000; 52 (6): .

Zhao Xiaoyan, Jiang Zhengyao, Peng Jianzhong. Cardiovascular effects of lateral intracerebroventricular injection of L-securinine. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).