膜片箝 pClamp 采样软件中的 P/N 漏减分析
刘振伟, 李立君, 刘传缋
军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所, 北京 100850)
本文采用大鼠海马脑片盲法的全细胞记录技术, 研究了 Axon 公司 pClamp 采样软件 Clampex 中 P/N 漏减的功能意义和作用机制, 对 P/N 漏减脉冲电流的采集以及漏减脉冲的时间、极性、箝位电压、数目、位置等参数的设置进行了详细分析。 结果表明, 在采集电压门控性离子通道电流时, 合理地利用 P/N 漏减会使离子电流记录更为准确可靠。
Analysis of P/N leak subtraction of pClamp acquisition software
LIU Zhen-Wei, LI Li-Jun, LIU Chuan-Gui
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology , Academy of Military Medical Sciences , Beijing 100850, China
Using blind whole cell recording technique on rat hippocampal slices, the function and mechanisms of P/N leak subtraction of Clampex program in pClamp acquisition software were studied. The ways of picking up sub-pulse current and properly selecting parameters, including time course, polarization, sub-holding potential, numbers and location of P/N sub-pulse were analyzed in detail. Our results indicate that voltage-gated ion channel currents recorded by Clampex will be more accurate and reproducible by properly using P/N leak subtraction.
Key words: leak subtraction;Patch clamp;hippocampal slice
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刘振伟, 李立君, 刘传缋. 膜片箝 pClamp 采样软件中的 P/N 漏减分析[J]. 生理学报 2000; 52 (5): 440-443.
LIU Zhen-Wei, LI Li-Jun, LIU Chuan-Gui. Analysis of P/N leak subtraction of pClamp acquisition software. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (5): 440-443 (in Chinese with English abstract).