ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



陆利民, 汪军, 姚泰

上海医科大学生理学教研室.上海 200032;上海医科大学神经生物学教研室.上海 200032



Angiotensin II participates in stress-induced high blood pressure via stimulating hypothalamic vasopressin synthesis and release

Lu Limin, Wang Jun, Yao Tai

Department of Physiology,Shanghai Medical University,State Key Laboratory for Medical Neurobiology.Shanghai 200032;China


Results indicate that the endogenous renin-angiotensin system participates in the mechanism of the stress-induced high blood pressure in rats, and that the effect of Ang II is mediated mainly by stimulating hypothalamic AVP synthesis and release, which in turn result in an increase in blood pressure by acting on the central V_(1) receptors.

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陆利民, 汪军, 姚泰. 血管紧张素Ⅱ在紧张应激引起大鼠血压升高中的作用[J]. 生理学报 2000; 52 (5): 371-374.

Lu Limin, Wang Jun, Yao Tai. Angiotensin II participates in stress-induced high blood pressure via stimulating hypothalamic vasopressin synthesis and release. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (5): 371-374 (in Chinese with English abstract).