ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



李川, 余微, 郑煜

华西医科大学生理学教研室.四川,成都 610041



Effects of microinjection of amino acids into pre-Botzinger complex on respiration in adult rats

Li Chuan, Yu Wei, Zheng Yu

Department of Physiology,West China University of Medical Sciences.Chengdu 610041,Sichuan


Experiments were performed on sodium pentobarbital anesthetized and bilaterally vagotomized adult SD rats. Microinjection of an excitatory neurotoxin, kainic acid, into pre-Botzinger complex initially lengthened the duration of inspiration, shortened the duration of expiration and increased the respiratory frequency, and subsequently abolished rhythmic respiration. Injection of an excitatory amino acid, L-glutamate, shortened the duration of expiration. Injection of the inhibitory amino acids (either glycine or #gamma#-aminobutyric acid) shortened the duration of inspiration.

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李川, 余微, 郑煜. 前包钦格复合体区微量注射氨基酸类药物的呼吸效应[J]. 生理学报 2000; 52 (4): .

Li Chuan, Yu Wei, Zheng Yu. Effects of microinjection of amino acids into pre-Botzinger complex on respiration in adult rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).