王云霞, 蒋春雷, 宋连霞, 路长林, 邵小燕, 由振东, 黄爱军, 崔瑞耀, 刘新垣
第二军医大学神经生物学教研室、神经科学研究所.上海 200433;青岛医学院病理生理学教研室.山东,青岛 266021;中科院上海生物化学研究所.上海 200031
Distinct structural bases of the immunoregulatory and central analgesic effects of IFN#alpha#
Wang Yunxia, Jiang Chunlei, Song Lianxia, Lu Changlin, Shao Xiaoyan, You Zhendong, Huang Aijun, Cui Ruiyao, Liu Xinyuan
Department of Neurobiology,Second Military Medical University.Shanghai 200433;China;Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200031
Interferon-alpha (IFN#alpha#), a cytokine, is also an analgesic molecule. There is significant cross reactivity between IFN#alpha# and anti-opioid sera, suggesting a strong antigenic relatedness between human IFN#alpha# molecules and opioid peptides. Different structural basis of the immunoactivity and analgesic effect of IFN#alpha# can be demonstrated by different reactivities of the two reactions towards different mutants of IFN#alpha# obtained by using the site-directed mutagenesis. When the 129th Tyr residue of human IFN#alpha# was mutated to Ser, the immunoactivity of the mutant almost disappeared, while the strong analgesic activity still persisted, which could be blocked by naloxone. These results indicate that there exist distinct domains in the IFN#alpha# molecule, which mediate immune and analgesic effects differentially, and that the receptor mechanism underlying immune and analgesic effects of IFN#alpha# may be different.
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王云霞, 蒋春雷, 宋连霞, 路长林, 邵小燕, 由振东, 黄爱军, 崔瑞耀, 刘新垣. 不同功能位点介导#alpha#干扰素的免疫调节和中枢镇痛作用[J]. 生理学报 2000; 52 (3): .
Wang Yunxia, Jiang Chunlei, Song Lianxia, Lu Changlin, Shao Xiaoyan, You Zhendong, Huang Aijun, Cui Ruiyao, Liu Xinyuan. Distinct structural bases of the immunoregulatory and central analgesic effects of IFN#alpha#. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).