ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张芬琴, 沈振国, 刘友良

南京农业大学农业部作物生长调控重点开放实验室.江苏,南京 210095



关键词: ; ; 小麦幼苗; 质膜; 液泡膜; ATP酶; 膜流动性

Effects of Al~(3+) and Al~(3+)+Ca~(2+) on ATPases and membrane fluidities of plasma membrane and tonoplast vesicles from root tips of wheat seedlings

Zhang Fenqin, Shen Zhenguo, Liu Youliang

Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation,The Ministry of Agriculture,Nanjing Agricultural University.Nanjing 210095,Jiangsu


These results suggest that the binding of Al to the membrane results in the inhibition of the ATPase activity.

Key words: Al~(3+);Ca~(2+);Wheat seedling;Plasma membrane;Tonoplast;ATPase;Membrane fluidity

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张芬琴, 沈振国, 刘友良. 铝和铝+钙对小麦幼苗根尖质膜、液泡膜微囊ATP酶和膜流动性的影响[J]. 生理学报 2000; 52 (2): .

Zhang Fenqin, Shen Zhenguo, Liu Youliang. Effects of Al~(3+) and Al~(3+)+Ca~(2+) on ATPases and membrane fluidities of plasma membrane and tonoplast vesicles from root tips of wheat seedlings. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).