吴雪梅, 许建萍, 张荣, 许荣kun
医科院基础医学研究所、中国协和医科大学基础医学院生理研究室.北京 100005;医科院、中国协和医科大学肿瘤医院内科.北京 100021
关键词: PRL瘤; 移植; 转化生长因子; Northern印迹杂交
Expression of prolactin, TGF#alpha# and TGF#beta#1 genes in estrogen-induced eutopic and ectopic pituitary prolactin-secreting tumors of rats
Wu Xuemei, Xu Jianping, Zhang Rong, Xu Rongkun
Department of Physiology,Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and School of Basic Medicine,Peking Union Medical College.Beijing 100005;China
Key words: Prolactin secreting tumor;Heteroplasty;Transforming growth factor;Northern blot analysis
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吴雪梅, 许建萍, 张荣, 许荣kun. 雌激素诱发大鼠原位与移植垂体催乳素瘤中催乳素基因与TGF#alpha#和TGF#beta#1基因的表达[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (6): .
Wu Xuemei, Xu Jianping, Zhang Rong, Xu Rongkun. Expression of prolactin, TGF#alpha# and TGF#beta#1 genes in estrogen-induced eutopic and ectopic pituitary prolactin-secreting tumors of rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).