ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



于晓红, 朱祯, 付志明, 安利佳, 李向辉

中科院遗传研究所.北京 100101;辽宁师范大学.辽宁,大连 116029



关键词: 小麦; 愈伤组织诱导; 芽分化; 植株再生

Improvement in plant regeneration from calus in wheat

Yu Xiaohong, Zhu Zhen, Fu Zhiming, An Lijia, Li Xianghui

Institute of Genetics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Beijing 100101;China


The results indicated: supplementing the induction and subculture medium with ABA (1.0mg/L) increased the development of embryogenic callus from midlate immature embryos; Plant source especially genotype played an important role on the bud differentiatio nof long-term cultured callus (bid formation rate differs much between calli coming from plants of different genotypes); Different hormones (KT, IAA, NAA, TDZ, 6-BA and ZT, etc.) affected the bud differentiation frequency, among them, TDZ increased the frequency of shoot formation. Proper partial desiccation of callus before transferred to regeneration medium was found to improve the frequency of plant differentiation. Supplementing with suitable concentration of IAA or NAA in rooting medium could strengthen root formation.

Key words: Wheat;Callus induction;Bud differentiation;Plant regeneration

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于晓红, 朱祯, 付志明, 安利佳, 李向辉. 提高小麦愈伤组织分化频率的因素[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (4): .

Yu Xiaohong, Zhu Zhen, Fu Zhiming, An Lijia, Li Xianghui. Improvement in plant regeneration from calus in wheat. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).