ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



吴迪, 章晓辉, 朱培闳

中科院上海生理研究所.上海 200031


研究了去细胞外钙对取自9天来亨鸡胚的培养肌管磷脂酰肌醇水解的影响。80mmol/L K~(+)暴露可以显著升高磷脂酰肌醇的水解。在暴露于无钙任氏液的肌管中,磷脂酰肌醇的水解随时间延长而呈指数递减,时间常数约为26分钟。在胞外无钙时,80mmol/L K~(+)引起的磷脂酰肌醇水解与对照(正常任氏液)相比略有下降。结果表明,高钾暴露能够增强培养肌管的磷脂酰肌醇的水解;但与成熟的肌纤维不同,细胞外钙是必须的。

关键词: 高钾; 无钙; 磷脂酰肌醇; 肌管

Effect of removal of external calcium on phosphoinositide hydrolysis in cultured myotubes of embryonic chicken

Wu Di, Zhang Xiaohui, Zhu Peihong

Shanghai Institute of Physiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200031


The effect of removal of external Ca~(2+) on phosphoinositide hydrolysis was investigated in cultured myotubes from 9-day-old Leghorn embryonic chicken. In the myotubes exposed to Ca~(2+)-free Ringer^s solution, the turnover of phosphoinositide was exponentially decreased with a time constant of about 26 min. In the presence of external Ca~(2+), the hydrolysis of phosphoinositide was significantly increased by exposure to 80 mmol/L K~(+) solution. After removal of external Ca~(2+), 80 mmol/L K~(+) exposure caused a slight decrease of phosphoinositides hydrolysis in comparison with the control (normal Ringer). It is indicated that hydrolysis of phosphoinositide in cultured myotubes can be enhanced by high K~(+) exposure. External Ca~(2+) is essential for this effect, which is different from mature muscle fibres.

Key words: High K~(+);Ca~(2+)-free;Phosphoinositide;Myotube

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吴迪, 章晓辉, 朱培闳. 去细胞外钙对培养鸡胚肌管磷脂酰肌醇水解的影响[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (4): .

Wu Di, Zhang Xiaohui, Zhu Peihong. Effect of removal of external calcium on phosphoinositide hydrolysis in cultured myotubes of embryonic chicken. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).