ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张勇, 邓云平, 关新民

同济医科大学神经生物学教研室.湖北,武汉 430030



关键词: 背根; 感觉神经末梢; 信息传递; 大鼠

Effect of stimulating the peripheral endings of transected dorsal root on discharges of neighbouring dorsal root in rats

Zhang Yong, Deng Yunping, Guan Xinmin

Department of Neurobiology,Tongji Medical University.Wuhan 430030,Hubei


The dorsal roots (DR) of L2-L3 segments on the left side in anesthetized rats (n=28) were exposed and transected. After stimulating the peripheral endings of L2 DR with a train of square waves (0.8-1.2mA, 100 Hz, 0.5 ms) for 2 s, the discharges at the distal end of transected L3 DR were recorded for 120 s. We found that the mean discharge frequency (MDF) of L3 DR was gradually increased with L2 DR stimulation. Time course analysis showed that the increase in MDF was linearly correlative to the number of stimuli, as well as to the levels of spontaneous discharge of L3 DR.

Key words: Dorsal root;Sensory nerve endings;Information transmission;Rat

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张勇, 邓云平, 关新民. 刺激大鼠离断背根外周端对相邻背根电活动的影响[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (4): .

Zhang Yong, Deng Yunping, Guan Xinmin. Effect of stimulating the peripheral endings of transected dorsal root on discharges of neighbouring dorsal root in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).