ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



宋学军, 舒友生, 尹萍波, 赵志奇

中科院上海脑研究所.上海 200031;中科院上海生理研究所神经生物学开放实验室.上海 200031



关键词: 天门冬氨酸; 谷氨酸; 微透析; 脊髓伤害性感受

Detection of release of aspartate and glutamate in cat spinal dorsal horn following noxious stimulation of cutaneous and muscular afferent fibers using microdialysis

Song Xuejun, Shu Yousheng, Yin Pingbo, Zhao Zhiqi

Shanghai Brain Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200031;China


Asp and Glu were increased respectively by (323±55)% and (169±16)% following stimulation of cutaneous nerve, but by (150±16)% and (218±42)% respectively following stimulation of muscular nerve. Asp increase was approximately three times higher than that of Glu following cutaneous nerve-stimulation (P<0.01), while Glu increase was approximately twice as high as that of Asp following muscular nerve-stimulation (P<0.05).

Key words: Glutamate;Aspartate;Microdialysis;Spinal nociception

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宋学军, 舒友生, 尹萍波, 赵志奇. 微透析测试刺激皮肤和肌肉神经引起的天门冬氨酸和谷氨酸在脊髓的释放[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (3): .

Song Xuejun, Shu Yousheng, Yin Pingbo, Zhao Zhiqi. Detection of release of aspartate and glutamate in cat spinal dorsal horn following noxious stimulation of cutaneous and muscular afferent fibers using microdialysis. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).