ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



易必达, 马蓓, 邢宝仁

贵阳医学院生理教研室.贵州,贵阳 550004;第二军医大学生理教研室.上海 200433



关键词: 皮质醇; 牛蛙交感神经节; 快速作用; 突触传递

Rapid effects of hydrocortisone on the cholinergic synaptic transmission of B neurons in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia

Yi Bida, Ma Bei, Xing Baoren

Department of Physiology,Guiyang Medical College.Guiyang 550004,Guizhou;China


Rapid effects of hydrocortisone 21-hemisuccinate (F-suc) on cholinergic synaptic transmission of B neurons in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia (BFSC) were studied with intracellular recording technique in vitro. Results suggest that the F-suc induced rapid effects of cholinergic synaptic transmission of B neurons in BFSG may be mediated by non-genomic mechanisms.

Key words: ;;;

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易必达, 马蓓, 邢宝仁. 皮质醇对离体牛蛙交感神经节B细胞胆碱能突触传递的快速作用[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (2): .

Yi Bida, Ma Bei, Xing Baoren. Rapid effects of hydrocortisone on the cholinergic synaptic transmission of B neurons in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).