ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



梁五生, 梁厚果

兰州大学生物系.甘肃,兰州 730000;四川大学生物系.四川,成都 610064


关键词: 内源乙烯; 交替氧化酶; 陈化; 马铃薯切片

Induction of alternative oxidase expression by endogenous ethylene in aging potato tuber slices

Liang Wusheng, Liang Houguo

Department of Biology,Lanzhou University.Lanzhou 730000,Gansu


Fresh potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber slices had no capacity of the alternative respiration pathway (ARP). But this capacity could be induced drastically by a 24h aging process. Western blotting results with a monoclonal antibody against the alternative oxidase (AOX) showed no evidence of AOX in fresh slices. However, an AOX protein of 36 kD was clearly detected in slices aged for 12 or 24h. Under treatments with ACC and with CoCl_(2), the ARP capacity of aged potato slices was enhanced and reduced, respectively. Correspondingly, the extent of AOX protein^s expression was enhanced by ACC and reduced by CoCl_(2). The above results give evidence that the regulartory effect of endogenous ethylene on the development of ARP capacity in aging potato tuber slices is exerted through the induction of the expression of AOX therein.

Key words: Endogenous ethylene;Alternative oxidase;Aging;Potato tuber slices

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梁五生, 梁厚果. 内源乙烯对陈化马铃薯切片交替氧化酶表达的诱导作用[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (2): .

Liang Wusheng, Liang Houguo. Induction of alternative oxidase expression by endogenous ethylene in aging potato tuber slices. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).