ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



黄上志, 王冬梅, 卢春斌, 傅家瑞

中山大学生物科学与技术系.广东,广州 510275



关键词: 花生种子; 耐干性; 热稳定蛋白; 贮藏蛋白

Heat-stable proteins and desiccation tolerance in axes of germinating peanut seeds

Huang Shangzhi, Wang Dongmei, Lu Chunbin, Fu Jiarui

Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology,Zhongshan University.Guangzhou 510275,Guangdong


Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed reached 100% germination at 18h after imbibition. Peanut axes from seeds undergoing for less than 18h and subjected to desiccation maintained 100% germinability, but those from seeds imbibing for 24h had zero germinability. During germination, the content of heat-stable proteins in axes lowered slowly. After 24h imbibition, the content of heat-stable proteins in axes declined remarkably. SDS-PAGE and two dimensional electrophoresis showed that the heat-stable proteins in peanut axes consisted mainly of storage proteins. The degradation of the major subunits of arachin, conarachin I and 2S proteins were related to the loss of desiccation tolerance in germinated peanut axes.

Key words: Peanut seed;Desiccation tolerance;Heat-stable protein;Storage protein

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黄上志, 王冬梅, 卢春斌, 傅家瑞. 萌发中花生胚轴的耐干性与热稳定蛋白[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (2): .

Huang Shangzhi, Wang Dongmei, Lu Chunbin, Fu Jiarui. Heat-stable proteins and desiccation tolerance in axes of germinating peanut seeds. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).