ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



宋任涛, 张庆琪, 李洁, 许政##

中科院上海植物生理研究所植物分子遗传国家重点实验室.上海 200032


根据锤头核酶模型,设计合成了一个以黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)外壳蛋白(CP)亚基因组RNA为底物的锤头型核酶(RZC)。在证明它能有效切割该底物后,再将这个核酶与一个能专一性切割烟草花叶病毒(TMV)移动蛋白(MP)亚基因组RNA的锤头型核酶(RZ1)相互串联构成了一个双价核酶(RZ1C)。体外结果表明,这个双价核酶能与相应的单价核酶RZ1和RZC一样专一而有效地切割CMV CP和TMV MP RNA。

关键词: 锤头型核酶; 双价核酶; TMV; CMV

Specific cleavages of two different RNAs from TMV and CMV by a di-component ribozyme in vitro

Song Rentao, Zhang Qingqi, LI Jie, Xu Zhengkai

National Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics,Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200032


A hammerhead-based ribozyme RZC was synthesized to cleave specifically a RNA fragment located in the coat protein (CP) gene region of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) genome. After its cleavage activity being confirmed (lane 5), RZC was further utilized to construct a dicomponent ribozyme, RZ1C with a h ammerhead ribozyme RZ1 specific to the movement protein (MP) gene region of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA genome. In vitro results indicated that RZ1C was able to cleave both CMV and TMV RNA sequences (lanes 3,6) as efficiently and specifically as its mono-ribozyme counterparts RZ1 and RZ1C.

Key words: Hammerhead ribozyme;Di-component ribozyme;CMV;TMV

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宋任涛, 张庆琪, 李洁, 许政##. 一个双价锤头型核酶在体外对两种不同植物病毒RNA的专一切割作用[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (2): .

Song Rentao, Zhang Qingqi, LI Jie, Xu Zhengkai. Specific cleavages of two different RNAs from TMV and CMV by a di-component ribozyme in vitro. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).