ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



刘代成, 原永洁

山东师范大学生物系.山东,济南 250014


家猫在睾丸切除后连续3d注射10#mu#g/kg bw睾酮,两者依次恢复至69.3%和59.4%。随睾酮注射剂量增加(5、10、15、20、25#mu#g/kg bw),血浆睾酮的浓度、前列腺背叶及尿道球腺金属硫蛋白(MT)含量增高 。血浆睾酮与前列腺背叶及尿道球腺MT呈正相关(P<0.01)。

关键词: ; 金属硫蛋白; 睾酮; 雄性附性器官

Testosterone induction of metallothionein in accessory genital organs of male domestic cats

Liu Daicheng, Yuan Yongjie

Department of Biology,Shandong Teachers^ University.Jinan 250014,Shandong


Orchidectomy of cats resulted in a decrease of metallothionein (MT) in the dorsolateral and ventral lobes of the prostate and in the urethral gland to 21.2% (P<0.01), 88.4% (P>0.05) and 18.5% (P<0.01) of those of intact domestic cats respectively. With an increase of T dose to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 #mu#g/kg bw, plasma T and MT contents in the dorsolateral lobe of prostate and urethral gland increased accordingly. Plasma T concentrations were positively correlated with MT contents in the dorsolateral lobe of prostate and urethral glands (P<0.01). Thus biosynthesis of MT in the dorsolateral lobe of prostate or in urethral gland could be induced by a stimulatory dose of T of 20#mu#g/kg bw.

Key words: Cat;Metallothionein;Testosterone;Male accessory genital organs

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刘代成, 原永洁. 睾酮对雄家猫附性器官金属硫蛋白的诱导[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (1): 111-114.

Liu Daicheng, Yuan Yongjie. Testosterone induction of metallothionein in accessory genital organs of male domestic cats. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (1): 111-114 (in Chinese with English abstract).