ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张日辉, 滕国玺

中国医科大学脑研究所神经生理研究室.辽宁,沈阳 110001



关键词: 第一躯体感觉区; 腹后外侧核; 伤害感受性神经元; 细胞膜常数

Response and membrane properties of nociceptive neurons in SI to stimulation of VPL

Zhang Rihui, Teng Guoxi

Laboratory of Neurophysiology,Brain Research Institute,China Medical University.Shenyang 110001,Liaoning


Intracellular potentials were recorded from nociceptive neurons (NCNs) in primary somatosensory cortex area (SI) of cats in response to stimulation of ventral posterior laterla nucleus (VPL). The responses of NCNs evoked by stimulating VPL and SN might be similar or different. Implications of the differences of NCN and NNCN were discussed.

Key words: Primary sensory cortex(SⅠ);Ventrol posterior lateral nucleus(VPL);Nociceptive neuron;Cell membrane constant

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张日辉, 滕国玺. 猫皮层SI区神经元对刺激VPL的反应及其膜电学特性的研究[J]. 生理学报 1999; 51 (1): 101-105.

Zhang Rihui, Teng Guoxi. Response and membrane properties of nociceptive neurons in SI to stimulation of VPL. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (1): 101-105 (in Chinese with English abstract).