ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王殿仕, 徐天乐, 庞志平, 李继硕

第四军医大学基础部解剖学教研室.陕西,西安 710032


应用制霉菌素穿孔全细胞记录方法,研究了5-羟色胺(5-HT)对急性分离的大鼠骶髓后连合核(SDCN)神经元牛磺酸(taurine, Tau)激活的全细胞电流的调控。结果提示:5-HT对Tau的增强作用至少部分是由细胞内PKC介导的;5-HT和Tau的参与脊髓抗伤害过程中可能具有重要的作用。

关键词: 5-羟色胺; 牛磺酸; 穿孔全细胞记录; 骶髓后连合核

Enhancement of taurine-activated whole-cell currents by serotonin in rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons

Wang Dianshi, Xu Tianle, Pang Zhiping, Li Jishuo

Department of Anatomy and K.K.Leung Brain Research Centre,Fourth Military Medical University.Xi^an 710032,Shaanxi


Using nystatin-perforated whole-cell recording configuration, the modulatory effect of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) on taurine (Tau)-activated current (I_(Tau)) was investigated in neurons dissociated from the rat sacral dorsal commissural nucleus (SDCN). In accordance with our previous study, it is suggested that 5-HT may play an important antinociceptive function in SDCN through enhanced Gly and Tau inhibitory effects.

Key words: 5-hybroxytryptamine;Taurine;Perforated whole-cell recording;Sacral dorsal commissural nucleus

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王殿仕, 徐天乐, 庞志平, 李继硕. 5-HT增强大鼠骶髓后连合核神经元牛磺酸激活的全细胞电流[J]. 生理学报 1998; 50 (6): .

Wang Dianshi, Xu Tianle, Pang Zhiping, Li Jishuo. Enhancement of taurine-activated whole-cell currents by serotonin in rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons. Acta Physiol Sin 1998; 50 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).