ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


吗啡对福尔马林引起大鼠海马内IL-2R #beta# mRNA表达的影响

吴旋, 黎海蒂, 李希成, 阮怀珍, 王建

第三军医大学生理教研室.重庆 400038



关键词: 白细胞介素2受体βmRNA; 海马; 吗啡; 促肾上腺皮质激素; 原位杂交

Effects of morphine on the formalin induced IL-2R #beta# mRNA expression of rat hippocampus

Wu Xuan, Li Haidi, Li Xicheng, Ruan Huaizhen, Wang Jian

Department of Physiology,The Third Military Medical University.Chongqing 400038


Using mothod of in situ hybridization, the effects of subcutaneous injection (sc) of formalin (For) into one hindpaw (hyperalgesia) on IL-2R #beta# mRNA expression in hippocampus (Hip) were studied. In addition, the effects of coadministration of morphine (ip) or ACTH (ip) with For (sc) were studied also. The results suggest that IL-2R might be involved in pain modulation.

Key words: Interleukin-2R#beta#mRNA;Hippocampus;Morphin;ACTH;In situ hybridization

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吴旋, 黎海蒂, 李希成, 阮怀珍, 王建. 吗啡对福尔马林引起大鼠海马内IL-2R #beta# mRNA表达的影响[J]. 生理学报 1998; 50 (5): .

Wu Xuan, Li Haidi, Li Xicheng, Ruan Huaizhen, Wang Jian. Effects of morphine on the formalin induced IL-2R #beta# mRNA expression of rat hippocampus. Acta Physiol Sin 1998; 50 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).