ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q




迷路损毁后两侧前庭内侧核GAP-43 mRNA的水平以不同的幅度和时程明显升高。结果表明,GAP-43 mRNA水平的提高可能与前庭代偿中突触重组和神经可塑性相关。

关键词: 生长相关蛋白(GAP-43); 前庭代偿; 神经可塑性; 原位杂交

Enhancement of GAP-43 mRNA expression in the rat medial vestibular nucleus by labyrinthectomy


The results clearly demonstrated that labyrinthectomy increased GAP-43 mRNA expression to different extents and amplitudes in bilateral medial vestibular nuclei. This finding suggests that upregulation of GAP-43 mRNA expression is related to regenerative sprouting, synaptic remodeling and neuroplasticity in vestibular compensation.

Key words: Growth-associated protein (GAN-43);Vestibular compensation;Neuroplasticity;In situhybridization

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. 迷路损伤增强大鼠前庭内侧核生长相关蛋白mRNA水平[J]. 生理学报 1998; 50 (5): .

. Enhancement of GAP-43 mRNA expression in the rat medial vestibular nucleus by labyrinthectomy. Acta Physiol Sin 1998; 50 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).